Jornada Bibliography
Genetic analysis of economic characteristics of young Hereford cattle. Journal of Animal Science. 21:101-107.
1962. .
1962. Grazing values and management of black grama and tobosa grasslands and associated shrub ranges of the Southwest. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Technical Bulletin No. 1270. :56.
1962. .
Fertilizing tobosa on flood plains in the semidesert grassland. Journal of Range Management. 16:133-138.
1963. .
1963. .
1963. .
1963. .
1963. Insects associated with black grama grass, Bouteloua eriopoda. Annals of the Entomological Society of America. 56:374-379.
1963. .
Brush control. The Cattleman. 51(2):160.
1964. Jornada Experimental Range research. The Cattleman. 51(2):103.
1964. .
1964. A comparative study of soils of selected creosotebush sites in southern New Mexico. Journal of Range Management. 17:23-32.
1964. .
1964. Vegetational changes on a semidesert grassland range from 1858 to 1963. Ecological Monographs. 35:139-164.
1965. .
1965. The K horizon: a master soil horizon of carbonate accumulation. Soil Science. 69:74-82.
1965. .
1965. Geomorphic surfaces along the Rio Grande Valley from El Paso, Texas to Caballo Reservoir, New Mexico. New Mexico Geological Society Guidebook of Southwestern New Mexico II. Sixteenth Field Conference:188-198.
1965. .
1965. Performance of hereford and Santa Gertrudis cattle on arid range in southwestern United States. Australian Arid-Zone Research Conference. :F-19--F-20.
1965. Reseeding in the arid southwestern United States. Australian Arid-Zone Research Conference. :E-23--E-24.
1965. Estimated intake and nutritive value of range forage grazed by Hereford and Santa Gertrudis cows. :33.
1965. .
1965. .
1965. .
1965. .
1965. .
1965. Response of rodent populations to controls. Journal of Wildlife Management. 29:425-437.
1965. .
1965. .
1966. .
1966. .
Cambic and certain noncambic horizons in desert soils of southern New Mexico. Soil Science Society of America Proceedings. 30:773-781.
1966. Morphological and genetic sequences of carbonate accumulation in desert soils. Soil Science. 101:347-360.
1966. Periodic sedimentation and soil formation on an alluvial-fan piedmont in southern New Mexico. Soil Science Society of America Proceedings. 30:261-268.
1966. Activities of hereford and Santa Gertrudis cattle on a southern New Mexico range. Journal of Range Management. 19:173-176.
1966. Australian Arid-Zone Research Conference. Journal of Range Management. 19:161-162.
1966. .
1966. .
1966. Species preference of Hereford and Santa Gertrudis cattle on a southern New Mexico range. Journal of Range Management. 19:177-181.
1966. .
1966. Germination and growth of some semidesert grassland species treated with aqueous extract from creosotebush. Ecology. 47:775-781.
1966. .
1966. Activities and species preference of hereford and Santa Gertrudis range cows. Proceedings of the American Society of Animal Science, Western Section Meeting. 17:403-408.
1966. .
1966. .
Morphology of the argillic horizon in desert soils of southern New Mexico. Soil Science. 106:6-15.