Jornada Bibliography

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Buffington L.C., Herbel C.H..  1965.  Vegetational changes on a semidesert grassland range from 1858 to 1963. Ecological Monographs. 35:139-164.
Gerard J.B.  1965.  Factors and treatments affecting fruit fill, seed germination and seedling emergence of fourwing saltbush (Atriplex canescens (Pursh) Nutt.). :60.
Gile L.H, Peterson F.F, Grossman R..  1965.  The K horizon: a master soil horizon of carbonate accumulation. Soil Science. 69:74-82.
Green GRay.  1965.  Chromic oxide in paper as an indicator in digestion trials with steers. :49.
Hawley J..  1965.  Geomorphic surfaces along the Rio Grande Valley from El Paso, Texas to Caballo Reservoir, New Mexico. New Mexico Geological Society Guidebook of Southwestern New Mexico II. Sixteenth Field Conference:188-198.
Heckenlively DBruce.  1965.  Form and function of song in a population of Amphispiza bilineata (Cassin).
Herbel C.H., Nelson A.B..  1965.  Performance of hereford and Santa Gertrudis cattle on arid range in southwestern United States. Australian Arid-Zone Research Conference. :F-19--F-20.
Herbel C.H..  1965.  Reseeding in the arid southwestern United States. Australian Arid-Zone Research Conference. :E-23--E-24.
Hill KR.  1965.  Estimated intake and nutritive value of range forage grazed by Hereford and Santa Gertrudis cows. :33.
Maze RL.  1965.  Bird populations of a desert scrub area in southern New Mexico.
Moore DRubal.  1965.  Breeding biology and nest usage of the verdin in southern New Mexico.
Moore JVerne.  1965.  Estimates of inbreeding, sex, age of dam and year effects on beef calf performance. :50.
Rogers JG.  1965.  Analysis of the coyote population of Dona Ana County, New Mexico. :39.
Watts J.G.  1965.  Chirothrips falsus on Black Grama Grass.
Wood J.E.  1965.  Response of rodent populations to controls. Journal of Wildlife Management. 29:425-437.
Wright ME.  1965.  Habitat analysis of the genus Neotoma in southern Rio Grande Valley, New Mexico. :31.
Alexander CE.  1966.  Energy requirements of the side-blotched lizard (Uta stansburiana).
Conley MR.  1966.  Water balance and thermoneutrality in the grasshopper mouse (Onychomys leucogaster).
DeGarmo, Jr. HCecil.  1966.  Water requirement and production of eight desert plant species under four soil levels. :45.
Gile L.H.  1966.  Cambic and certain noncambic horizons in desert soils of southern New Mexico. Soil Science Society of America Proceedings. 30:773-781.
Gile L.H, Peterson F.F, Grossman R..  1966.  Morphological and genetic sequences of carbonate accumulation in desert soils. Soil Science. 101:347-360.
Gile L.H, Hawley J..  1966.  Periodic sedimentation and soil formation on an alluvial-fan piedmont in southern New Mexico. Soil Science Society of America Proceedings. 30:261-268.
Herbel C.H., Nelson A.B..  1966.  Activities of hereford and Santa Gertrudis cattle on a southern New Mexico range. Journal of Range Management. 19:173-176.
Herbel C.H..  1966.  Australian Arid-Zone Research Conference. Journal of Range Management. 19:161-162.
Herbel C.H..  1966.  Creosotebush (Larrea tridentata [DC.] Coville). :21.
Herbel C.H..  1966.  Mesquite [Prosopis juliflora (Sw.) DC.]. :26.
Herbel C.H., Nelson A.B..  1966.  Species preference of Hereford and Santa Gertrudis cattle on a southern New Mexico range. Journal of Range Management. 19:177-181.
Herbel C.H..  1966.  Tarbush [Flourensia cernua (DC.)]. :38.
Knipe D., Herbel C.H..  1966.  Germination and growth of some semidesert grassland species treated with aqueous extract from creosotebush. Ecology. 47:775-781.
Medica PAnthony.  1966.  Food habits, habitat preference, reproduction, and diurnal activity in four sympatric species of whiptail lizards (Cnemidophorus).
Nelson A.B., Herbel C.H..  1966.  Activities and species preference of hereford and Santa Gertrudis range cows. Proceedings of the American Society of Animal Science, Western Section Meeting. 17:403-408.
Sosebee R.E.  1966.  The effects of soil temperature and moisture on seedling emergence and initial growth. :61.
