Fertilizing tobosa on flood plains in the semidesert grassland

TitleFertilizing tobosa on flood plains in the semidesert grassland
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication1963
AuthorsHerbel C.H.
JournalJournal of Range Management
Date PublishedMay 1, 1963
Keywordsfertilizer treatments, flood plains, tobosa quality
AbstractTobosa [Hilariamutica (Buckl.) Benth.], a drought-resistant grass of the arid Southwest, occurs primarily on heavier textured soils but is not limited to them. It is relatively unpalatable to livestock during the dormant season but is readily grazed during the growing season. Therefore, where possible, tobosa flood plains should be fenced separately and grazed during the growing season while the upland pastures are deferred. These flood plains supporting tobosa in high density and receiving additional water as run-in from adjacent mountains can produce several times the herbage of upland sites. On ranches where the area of tobosa flood plains is limited, increased yields of tobosa will enable the operator to defer the upland pastures more completely and for a longer time in the growing season. The objective of this study was to determine tobosa herbage yields and quality on flood plains as influenced by fertilizer treatments in relation to the effects of available moisture.