Climate Change and The Water Cycle - an educational unit for 6-12 grade students
The Southwest Climate Hub partnered with the Asombro Institute for Science Education to design an engaging, fun, and scientifically rigorous education unit aligned with Common Core State Standards and Next Generation Science Standards. This unit is freely available and intended for use by anyone, especially educators of 6-12 grade students. The unit consists of nine activities and was designed to be conducted over 10 days (or 10 hours). Each activity can also stand alone however, and the unit need not be completed in its entirety.
Interested in learning more about teaching these activities? Please help us organize an educator workshop in your area! Email for more information about this opportunity.
Soil memory/climate change study at the Chihuahuan Desert Nature Park
Curtis Monger and several students worked with Asombro on a soil memory/climate change study at the Chihuahuan Desert Nature Park (CDNP). For this study and the NRCS soil survey of the Jornada Basin, two soil pits were opened just north of the CDNP-Jornada Experimental Range boundary and upslope of the pipeline. The purpose of the pits was to compare current erosion rates with erosion rates in the geological past, which provided information for Asombro students about how landscapes respond to climate change. These pits were also useful for a shrub-shrub dynamics Jornada Basin LTER study.