Supporting Literature

Supporting Literature for Monitoring

Monitoring the Vegetation Resources in Riparian Areas - by Alma H. Winward. 2000. RMRS-GTR-47. U.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Service. Rocky Mountain Research Station. 49pp.

A Dynamic Cone Penetrometer for Measuring Soil Penetration Resistance - by Jeffrey E. Herrick and Tim L. Jones published in Soil Science Society of America Journal, 66:1320-1324, 2002.

Soil Aggregate Stability Kit - Reprinted from CATENA, Vol 44, 2001, pp 27-35, J.E. Herrick et al. "Field soil aggregate stability kit for soil quality and rangeland health evaluations" with permission from Elsevier Science. (Catena Internet site is .) Single copies of the article can be downloaded and printed for the reader's personal research and study.  Reproduction of this material is confined to the purpose for which permission is hereby given and excludes use in any electronic form other than on the World Wide Web.

Suelo: estabilidad en agua (v: 27/8/01) (Spanish version)


Supporting Literature for Assessment

Rangeland Health Attributes and Indicators for Qualitative Assessment - by David A. Pyke, Jeffrey E. Herrick, Patrick Shaver and Mike Pellant published in the Journal of Range Management, 55:584-597, November 2002.

Riparian Area Management: Process for Assessing Proper Functioning Condition - by D.J. Prichard, H. Barret, J. Cagney, R. Clark, J. Fogg, K. Gebhardt, P. Hansen, B. Mitchell and D. Tippy. 1998. TR 1737-9. Bureau of Land Management. 60pp.
Process for Assessing Proper Functioning Condition Cover

Riparian Area Management: A User Guide to Assessing Proper Functioning Condition and the Supporting Science for Lotic Areas - by D. Prichard, J. Anderson, C. Correll, J. Fogg, K. Gebhardt, R. Krapf, S. Leonard, B. Mitchell and J. Staats. 1998. TR 1737-15. U.S. Dept. of Interior - Bureau of Land Management, U.S. Department of Agriculture - Forest Service and USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service. 126pp.
TR 1737-15 Cover

Rangeland Soil Quality Information Sheets

Rangeland Soil Quality - Introduction
Rangeland Soil Quality - Indicators for Assessment and Monitoring
Rangeland Soil Quality - Aggregate Stability
Rangeland Soil Quality - Compaction
Rangeland Soil Quality - Infiltration
Rangeland Soil Quality - Organic Matter
Rangeland Soil Quality - Physical and Biological Soil Crusts
Rangeland Soil Quality - Soil Biota
Rangeland Soil Quality - Water Erosion
Rangeland Soil Quality - Wind Erosion