Recent Presentations - Talks and Posters


  • From Linear to Generalized Linear Mixed Models: A Case Study in Repeated Measures (D James) - Compared to traditional linear mixed models, generalized linear mixed models (GLMMs) can offer better correspondence between response variables and explanatory models, yielding more efficient estimates and tests in the analysis of data from designed experiments. Using proportion data from a designed experiment with repeated measures, results from several candidate GLMMs implemented with different distributions (binomial and beta), likelihood estimation methods, covariance structures, and bias correction methods, are compared.
  • Land Use and Demographic Changes in the Malpai Borderlands Region Since 1990 (K Havstad) - Presented to the Malpai Borderlands Group in Rodeo, NM (higher resolution PDF, slower download 4.98 MB)
  • Tactical Themes for Grassland Research (K Havstad) - Recorded keynote talk presented at the 2013 International Grassland Congress in Australia.  There are five basic tactical themes that we continue to develop in order to reach the strategic goals we have for our research. Research strategic needs are well articulated. But, what can an individual research unit or a small group of scientists do tactically to actually address these goals and strategic needs? Effective research tactics require an understanding of what is needed and what is possible. Our tactics are strongly influenced by certain drivers and externalities. (File format is mp4, file size is 95 MB)
  • Long-term Studies Provide Insights to Diverse Terrestrial and Aquatic Ecosystem Dynamics (J Yao, D Peters) - Environmental drivers are changing at local to global scales with corresponding effects on ecological dynamics. Large amounts of data have been collected to document these changes. However, much of the data remain inaccessible to a broad audience. Therefore, solutions to these environmental problems have been elusive. The EcoTrends Project is one of the first attempts to standardize, simplify, integrate, and visualize data from diverse terrestrial, aquatic, and marine ecosystems to promote understanding and synthesis by a broad audience.
  • How International Research Cooperation in Africa, Asia and Latin America is Benefiting U.S. Efforts to Address Land Use Change and  Management (J Herrick, J Karl, B Bestelmeyer, K Havstad, et al.) - This presentation proposes the creation of a virtual (online) “Global Conservation Assessment Project” supported by a Global Sustainable Land Management System.  It includes examples of how USDA scientists are working with others around the world to develop innovative land management and monitoring systems that will help meet the challenge of feeding 9 billion people by 2050. The final slide includes a list of publications (available on this website) that provide more information on these proposals.