Australian Arid-Zone Research Conference

TitleAustralian Arid-Zone Research Conference
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication1966
AuthorsHerbel C.H.
JournalJournal of Range Management
Date PublishedMay 1, 1966
KeywordsAustralian Arid-Zone Conference
AbstractThe second Australian Arid-Zone Conference was held at Alice Springs, September 12 to 17, 1965. A 4-day pre-conference tour visited the Ayres Rock-Mt. Olga area, a round trip of about 700 miles with stops to observe various plant communities. About 125 delegates registered. The various subjects were covered by a review speaker who presented both published and unpublished materials and a discussion leader who summarized the contributed papers. One-third to half the allotted time was usually allowed for discussion. A copy of the condensed papers had been mailed to each delegate 3 or 4 weeks beforehand to permit time for preparation of questions and discussion. The subjects covered with some of the points of interest to the author are presented here.