The effects of soil temperature and moisture on seedling emergence and initial growth

TitleThe effects of soil temperature and moisture on seedling emergence and initial growth
Publication TypeThesis
Year of Publication1966
AuthorsSosebee R.E
Number of Pages61
Date Published1966
UniversityNew Mexico State University
CityLas Cruces, New Mexico
Thesis TypeM.S. Thesispp
Call Number00315
Keywordsdissertation, dissertations, germination, soil moisture, germination, soil temperature, grass,seedlings, theses, thesis
AbstractThe purpose of this study was to determine the actual difference in the effects on seedling emergence and initial growth of two soil temperature regimes observed under field conditions; 70 to 105 F where surface was shaded by brush and 70 to 135 where surface was left bare. In Phase I, there were few significant differences within the attributes measured under the low temperature regime. In the high temperature regime, survival and early growth of vaughn sideoats grama and black grama were outstanding among the 14 species tested. In Phase II, black grama was better able to tolerate the higher soil temperature and moisture stress than boer lovegrass.