A comparative study of soils of selected creosotebush sites in southern New Mexico

TitleA comparative study of soils of selected creosotebush sites in southern New Mexico
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication1964
AuthorsValentine K.A, Norris J.J
JournalJournal of Range Management
Date Published1964
Call Number00583
Keywordsarticle, articles, biochemistry, Larrea soils, grassland,Larrea, journal, journals, Larrea, biochemistry, Larrea, soils, soil,Larrea
AbstractThis paper presents the results of a study of physical and chemical properties of soils of four selected creosotebush sites in southern New Mexico. The soils remain capable of supporting establishment and growth of the climax dominant grasses, although deterioration through erosion, and in one case loss of structure, has occurred. One site appeared to have lost soil to the extent that production capacity for the test species had been significantly reduced. At the same site, continuing erosion threatened to further reduce soil productivity by exposure of an underlying high gypsum substratum. Range management practices consisting of proper grazing management and control of creosotebush to preserve and improve these range areas were strongly indicated.