Dean Anderson

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Anderson D.M..  2013.   Virtual Fencing-A Corrective or Substantive Paradigm. 4TH AUSTRALIAN AND NEW ZEALAND SPATIALLY ENABLED LIVESTOCK MANAGEMENT SYMPOSIUM .
Anderson D.M., Rus D..  2009.  Gathering cows using virtual fencing methodologies. 62nd Society for Range Management Annual Meeting. :2030-4.
Anderson D.M..  2008.  Husbandry of free-ranging cows using virtual fencing concepts. XXI International Grassland Congress; VIII International Rangeland Congress. 1:660.
Anderson D.M..  2006.  Virtual Fencing - A Concept into Reality. Proceedings of the Spatial Grazing Behaviour Workshop, CSIRO Livestock Industries. :61-91.
Anderson D.M..  2005.  Innovation and Opportunities in Livestock Control using Virtual Boundaries (VBS TM). Proceedings International Conference on Agricultural Science and Technology. :29-30.
Anderson D.M..  2005.  Virtual Fencing - Automated Animal Control in the 21st Century. Livestock Horizons CSIRO Livestock Industries Research Magazine. 1:13.
Anderson D.M..  2004.  Directional Virtual Fencing (DVF-trademark). Grassroots, Newsletter of the Grassland Society of Southern Africa. 4:10-13.
Anderson D.M., Price M.A., Fredrickson E.L., Nolen B., Hale C.S., Havstad K.  2004.  Directional Virtual Fencing (DVF™). 57th Annual Meeting of Society for Range Management. :AbstractNo.6.
Anderson D.M..  2004.  Flocks and herds or flerds--the choice is yours. Grassroots, Newsletter of the Grassland Society of Southern Africa. 14:16-22.
Anderson D.M., Fredrickson E.L., Havstad K, Nolen B., Nayak P., Hale C.S..  2004.  A moving virtual boundary (VB trademark). 6th Symposium of the Natural Resources of the Chihuahuan Desert. :Abstractp.16.
Anderson D.M., Hale C.S., Libeau R., Nolen B..  2003.  Managing stocking density in real-time. Proceedings of the VIIth International Rangeland Congress. :840-843.
Anderson D.M., Hale C.S..  2001.  Managing animals within virtual boundaries. 54th Annual Meeting Society for Range Management. :AbstractNo.9.
Anderson D.M..  1999.  Would managing a flerd benefit your bottom line? Pastoral Memo-Southern Rangelands, Agriculture, Western Australia. 5:26-27.
