Using time-series intervention analysis to model cow heart rate affected by programmed audio and environmental/physiological cues

TitleUsing time-series intervention analysis to model cow heart rate affected by programmed audio and environmental/physiological cues
Publication TypeConference Proceedings
Year of Publication2010
AuthorsAnderson D.M., Remenyi N., Murray L.W
Conference NameApplied Statistics In Agriculture Conference Proceedings
Date Published2010
PublisherKansas State University
Conference LocationManhattan, Kansas
ARIS Log Number257429
Keywordsaudio cue, direction virtual fencing, DVM, free-ranging beef cattle, heart rate, Polar hear rate monitors, time-series analysis

This research is the first attempt at using time -series analysis to describe changes in the heart rate (HR) of free-ranging cows receiving programmed audio cues from directional virtual fencing (DVF™) devices designed to control the animal's location on the landscape as well as non-programmed environmental/physiological cues. Polar Accurex® devices were used to capture HR every minute between March 19-24, 2003 when three mature free-ranging beef cows previously habituated to DVF™ control were confined to a brush-infested area of an arid rangeland paddock. Global positioning system (GPS)electronics were used to locate each cow's location approximately every minute while it was in a 58 ha virtual paddock (VP™) and every second when it penetrated a virtual boundary (VB™). The cows never escaped through the VB™ though they penetrated it a total of 26 times in 11 different events at which time they received programmed audio cues lasting from 1 to 56 s. These data reveal that HR spikes from programmed audio cues all fell within the textbook range for cow HR (40-186 beats per minute, bpm). For both audio and selected evironmental /physiological events, HR spikes returned to pre-cuing "baseline" values in about one minute. However, the longest return time to baseline lasted (about 4 minutes) and this was for an environmental/physiological event. HR, animal location, weather and other electronic data should be measured at equally-spaced time intervals using a single time stamp so as to accurately associate HR changes with possible causes.
