Representing spatially explicit Directional Virtual Fencing (DVF-trademark) data

TitleRepresenting spatially explicit Directional Virtual Fencing (DVF-trademark) data
Publication TypeConference Proceedings
Year of Publication2004
AuthorsAnderson D.M., Nolen B., Fredrickson E.L., Havstad K, Hale C.S., Nayak P.
Conference Name24th Annual ESRI International User Conference
Date PublishedAugust 7-10, 200
Conference LocationSan Diego, CA
ARIS Log Number167014
Keywordsanimal, Directional Virtual Fencing, distribution, GIS, GPS

Distributing free-ranging animals across a landscape to facilitate proper vegetation utilization is universally challenging to resource managers. Combining GPS technology, GIS methodology, and animal behavior, we have developed a device that autonomously controls animal distribution without conventional wire fencing or herding. Directional Virtual Fencing (DVF) uses sensory cues administered at the proper time and in the correct location on the animal to keep animals within a Virtual Paddock (VP) that can move in time and space using programmable Virtual Boundaries (VB). Analyzing the resulting geospatial animal data obtained from the device using ArcGIS Tracking Analyst software provides essential information for understanding and subsequently managing animal distribution.