A moving virtual boundary (VB trademark)

TitleA moving virtual boundary (VB trademark)
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2004
AuthorsAnderson D.M., Fredrickson E.L., Havstad K, Nolen B., Nayak P., Hale C.S.
Conference Name6th Symposium of the Natural Resources of the Chihuahuan Desert
Date PublishedOctober 15, 2004
Conference LocationAlpine, Texas (Sul Ross State University)
ARIS Log Number170949
KeywordsDVF, forage utilization, free-ranging animals, GIS, GPS, virtual boundary, virtual fencing
AbstractDistributing free-ranging animals across a landscape to facilitate proper forage utilization is universally challenging to range livestock managers. By combining Global Positioning System (GPS) technology, Geographical Information System (GIS) methodology and a practical knowledge of animal behavior, we have developed a methodology for autonomously controlling free-ranging animals. Directional Virtual Fencing (DVF™) uses programmable sensory cues administered at the proper time and in the correct location on the animal to keep animals within a Virtual Paddock (VP™) delineated by a Virtual Boundary (VB™). Using Arc GIS 9 Tracking Analyst software, the geospatial animal data were visually depicted to move within the VP as the north and south VB moved in tandem in time and space across the landscape. Being able to manage grazing pressure using DVF will provide Prescription Stocking (RxS™) without the challenges wire fencing places on conventional rotational stocking strategies.