Jornada Bibliography
Land of Encroachment: A multi-stakeholder assessment of brush control efforts in New Mexico. Society for Rangeland Meetings.
2020. .
2020. Historical shifts in United States manuresheds. ASA-CSSA-SSSA Annual Meeting Abstracts.
2020. Long-term ecological research and evolving frameworks of disturbance ecology. BioScience. 70(2):141-156.
2020. Effects of contrasting rooting distribution patterns on plant transpiration along a precipitation gradient. Ecological Society of America.
2020. Spatial prediction of ecosystem state transitions on the Taos Plateau. Society for Rangeland Meetings. 88
2020. LandPKS App for Planning and Monitoring Outcome-Based Grazing: New Features. Society for Rangeland Meetings.
2020. Traversing the Wasteland: A Framework for Assessing Ecological Threats to Drylands. BioScience. 70(1):35–47.
2020. fDNA-based diet selection by Raramuri Criollo and Angus crossbreeds in the Chihuahuan Desert. Society for Range Management.
2020. A Decision Support System for Incorporating Land Potential Information in the Evaluation of Restoration Outcomes. Ecological Restoration. 38(2):94-104.
2020. Evaluation of Restoration Success to Inform Future Restoration Efforts in Acacia Reficiens Invaded Rangelands in Northern Kenya. Ecological Restoration. 38(2):105-113.
2020. Managing animal manure to minimize phosphorus losses from land to water. Animal Manure: Production, Characteristics, Environmental Concerns, and Management. 67
2020. Grass-cast: an experimental grassland productivity forecast. Society for Range Management Meeting Abstracts.
2020. Rating fire danger from the ground up. GeoHealth. 100
2020. Phenological changes in the nutritive value of honey mesquite leaves, pods, and flowers in the Chihuahuan Desert. Agrosystems, Geosciences & Environment. 3
2020. Landpks Soilid: A Smartphone-Based Soil Identification Tool for Rangeland Management. Society for Rangeland Meetings.
2020. Numerical soil classification supports soil identification by citizen scientists using limited, simple soil observations. Soil Science Society of America Journal. :1-18.
2020. A data commons approach can help span scales and stakeholders to support ecosystem conservation and land use. Ecological Society of America.
2020. Terradactyl: an example of modularity and ontologies to ensure the sustainability of open source software. Society for Range Management.
2020. A phenotypic characterization of Rarámuri Criollo cattle introduced into the southwestern United States. Archivos Latinoamericanos De Produccion Animal. 28(3-4):111-119.
2020. Opportunities to implement manureshed management in the U.S. swine industry. ASA-CSSA-SSSA Annual Meeting Abstracts.
2020. Do Young Calves Influence Movement Patterns of Nursing Raramuri Criollo Cows on Rangeland? Rangeland Ecology and Management. 73(1):84-92.
2020. Management strategies for reducing the risk of equines contracting Vesicular Stomatitis Virus (VSV) in the Western United States. Journal of Equine Veterinary Science.
2020. Interpreting indicators of rangeland health, version 5. Interpreting Indicators of Rangeland Health, Version 5. :202.
2020. AI recommender system with ML for agricultural research. IEEE IT Professional. 22:29-32.
2020. Big data-model integration and AI for vector-borne disease predictor. Ecosphere. 11(6):1-20.
2020. Deciphering the past to inform the future: preparing for the next (“really big”) extreme event. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment. :10.1002/fee.2194.
2020. Harnessing AI to transform agriculture and inform agricultural research. IEEE IT Professional. 22(3):16-21.
2020. Harnessing the power of AI technologies for ecology: The knowledge learning analysis system (KLAS) for spatially-distributed, continuous ecological data. Ecological Society of America.
2020. Modifying connectivity to promote state change reversal: the importance of geomorphic context and plant–soil feedbacks. Ecology. 101(9):e03069.
2020. Comparison of soil-aggregate crushing-energy meters. Aeolian Research. 42(100559)
2020. Critical standing crop residue amounts for wind erosion control in the inland Pacific Northwest, USA. CATENA. 195
2020. Mobile phone use is associated with higher smallholder agricultural productivity in Tanzania, East Africa. PLoS ONE. 15(8):e0237337.
2020. A standardized land capability classification system for land evaluation using mobile phone technology. Soil and Water Conservation.
2020. Hidden biodiversity: How soil seed banks vary across ecological sites and states in the Chihuahuan Desert. Ecological Society of America.
2020. .
2020. Woody Plant Encroachment has a Larger Impact than Climate Change on Dryland Water Budgets. Scientific Reports. 10(8112)
2020. Beef Production in the southwestern United States: Strategies toward sustainability. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems. 4(114):1-8.
2020. Ecosystem service tradeoffs associated with agricultural intensification of grazinglands. Society for Range Management.
2020. .
2020. Manuresheds: Advancing nutrient recycling in US agriculture. Agricultural Systems. 182
2020. Using manureshed management to connect distant links of the beef supply chain. ASA-CSSA-SSSA Annual Meeting Abstracts.
2020. Using geospatial methods to measure the risk of environmental persistence of avian influenza virus in South Carolina. Spatial and Spatio-temporal Epidemiology. 34
2020. Soil health assessment for agricultural lands. Approaches to Soil Health Analysis, Volume 1. 1:79-99.
2020. The pipeline of phenological data in large scale automated forecasts. Ecological Society of America.
2020. Using benchmarks to assess management objectives across ecological domains. Ecological Society of America.
2020. Defining thresholds for wind erosion in desert rangeland STMs. Society for Rangeland Meetings. Session 9
2020. Ecosystem dynamics and aeolian sediment transport in the southern Kalahari. African Journal of Ecology. 58:337-344.
2020. Indicators and benchmarks for wind erosion monitoring, assessment and management. Ecological Indicators. 110(105881)
2020. A note on the use of drag partition in aeolian transport models. Aeolian Research. 42(100560)