Using manureshed management to connect distant links of the beef supply chain

TitleUsing manureshed management to connect distant links of the beef supply chain
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2020
AuthorsSpiegal S., Gwendwr M, Silveira M, Flynn CK, Vendramini JMB, Kleinman PJA
Conference NameASA-CSSA-SSSA Annual Meeting Abstracts
Date Published11/09/2020
ARIS Log Number380168

Manure management in US beef is complex, complicated by the diffuse and diverse nature of the industry, but also offering numerous points of opportunity as beef cattle progress from calf to background to finishing stages. In support of the manureshed vision, we review the networks that must be engaged to systematically coordinate manure management. Through case studies and original analysis, we point to the realities of today’s industry and the opportunities to implement strategic manure management that ensures the sustainable management of manure resources.