Terradactyl: an example of modularity and ontologies to ensure the sustainability of open source software

TitleTerradactyl: an example of modularity and ontologies to ensure the sustainability of open source software
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2020
AuthorsMcCord S, Stauffer N
Conference NameSociety for Range Management
Date Published02/2020
Conference LocationDenver, CO
ARIS Log Number373726

Data-driven rangeland management relies on the ability to flexibly access monitoring data that is relevant to the multitude of challenges on the nation's rangelands. Terradactyl is an R package with facilitates the modular use and re-use of rangeland monitoring data. Data are first divided and organized into a tall format which allows for modular data analysis. These data can then be easily analyzed using a modular range of rangeland indicator calculation function. These functions stack together in a way that is increasingly modular. For instance, the pct_cover() function is the foundation for pct_cover_bare_soil(), pct_cover_species(), so that the same code supports functionally similar indicator calculations. This means that terradactyl can be used to support a range of management questions across many different kinds of monitoring data.