Jornada Bibliography

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Sainnemekh S, Barrio IC, Densambuu B, Bestelmeyer BT, Aradóttir ÁL.  2022.  Rangeland degradation in Mongolia: A systematic review of the evidence. Journal of Arid Environments. 196:104654.
Spiegal S., Duff G., Cibils AF, Steiner J, McIntosh MM, Aney S, Elias EH, Bestelmeyer BT, Bestelmeyer S, Estell RE.  2022.  Beef supply chains of the Southwestern United States: Inputs to marketing to consumption. Society for Range Management Annual Meeting, ABQ, NM Feb 10, 2022.
Spiegal S., Steiner J, Aney S, McIntosh MM.  2022.  From desert pasture to dinner plate: Evaluating the sustainability of supply chains for beef cattle coming from ranches of the Southwest. Society for Range Management Annual Meeting, ABQ, NM Feb 10, 2022.
Spiegal S., Webb N, Boughton EH, Boughton RK, Brymer ABentley, Clark PE, Collins C D.Holifield, Hoover DL, Kaplan N.E, McCord S et al..  2022.  Measuring the social and ecological performance of agricultural innovations on rangelands: Progress and plans for an indicator framework in the LTAR network. Rangelands. :1-11.
Spiegal S., Gwendwr M, Bittman S., Silveira M, Vendramini JMB, Rotz C.A, Flynn CK, Boggess M, Kleinman PJA.  2022.  Nutrient circularity for sustainability in beef supply chains: Comparing the performance of three manureshed approaches. Waste to Worth Annual Conference Proceedings 2022.
Spiegal S., Vendramini JMB, Bittman S., Silveira M, Gifford C, Rotz C.A, Ragosta JP, Kleinman PJA.  2022.  Recycling nutrients in the beef supply chain through circular manuresheds: Data to assess tradeoffs. Journal of Environmental Quality.
Spiegal S., Cibils AF, Steiner J, Estell RE, Bestelmeyer BT, McIntosh MM, Bestelmeyer S, Aney S, Elias EH, Duff G..  2022.  Sustainable Southwest Beef: Evaluating innovations from pasture to plate. 2022 Society for Range Management Annual Meeting.
Stauffer N, Garman S.L.  2022.
Stauffer N, Laurance-Traynor A, McCord S.  2022.  A web interface for exploring and setting land management benchmarks. Society for Range Management Annual Meeting 2022.
Steiner JL, Spiegal S, Elias EH, Aney S.  2022.  Beef Brief: A new Normal for Irrigated Agriculture to Sustain the Ogallala Aquifer.
Sun J, Wang Y, Piao S, Liu M, Han G., Li J, Liang E, Lee TMing, Liu G, Wilkes A et al..  2022.  Toward a sustainable grassland ecosystem worldwide. The Innovation. 3:e100265.
Taylor SD, Browning DM.  2022.  Classification of daily crop phenology in PhenoCams using deep learning and hidden markov models. Remote Sensing. 14
Taylor SD, Browning DM.  2022.  Deep learning models for identifying cropland attributes from near surface cameras. Biogeosciences.
Tyree G, Chappell A., Villarreal ML, Dhital S, Duni D, Edwards B, Faist AM, Nauman T, Webb N.  2022.  The impact of vegetation removal by oil and gas development on wind erosion and dust emission in the Upper Colorado River Basin. AGU22 FALL MEETING.
Utsumi S.A, Nyamuryekung'e S., McIntosh MM, Cibils AF, Estell RE, Spiegal S., Duff G., Cao H, Boucheron LE, Chen H. et al..  2022.  Digital ranching as aspirational system for resilient ranching on Southwestern US rangelands. 2022 Society for Range Management Annual Meeting.
Utsumi S.A, Nyamuryekung'e S., McIntosh MM, Cibils AF, Estell RE, Spiegal S., Duff G., Cao H, Boucheron LE, Chen H. et al..  2022.  Digital tools for sustainable ranching on Southwestern US rangelands. 2022 Society for Range Management Annual Meeting.
Ahlering MA, Kazanski C, Lendrum PE, Borrelli P, Burnidge W, Clark L, Ellis C, Gadzia K, Gelbard J, Gennet S et al..  2021.  A synthesis of ranch-level sustainability indicators for land managers and to communicate across the US beef supply chain. Rangeland Ecology & Management. 79:217-230.
Akram H, Levia DF, Herrick JE, Lydiasari H, Schütze N.  2021.  Water requirements for oil palm grown on marginal lands: A simulation approach. Agricultural Water Management. 260:107292.
Allred BW, Bestelmeyer BT, Boyd CS, Brown C, Davies K.W, Duni D, Ellsworth LM, Erickson TA, Fuhlendorf S., Griffiths TV et al..  2021.  Improving Landsat predictions of rangeland fractional cover with multitask learning and uncertainty. Methods in Ecology and Evolution. 12(5):841-846.
Aney S, Elias EH, Burnett R, Gifford C, Duff G., Auvermann BW, Steiner J.  2021.  Facilitating knowledge exchange around strategies for sustainability. 2021 NMSU ACES Beef, Dairy and Livestock Update.
Armendariz G., Coffin A.W, Archer DW, Arthur D, Bean A.R, Browning DM, Carlson B.R, Clark PE, Flynn CK, Goslee S et al..  2021.  The Long-Term Agroecosystem Research network standard GIS data layers.
Bestelmeyer BT, Spiegal S., Winkler R, James D.K, Levi M, Williamson JC.  2021.  Assessing sustainability goals using big data: Collaborative adaptive management in the Malpai borderlands. Rangeland Ecology & Management. 77:17-29.
Bestelmeyer BT, Christensen EM, Burkett LM, Levi M, Lister L, Macanowicz N, Webb N.  2021.  Ecological transformations in desert grasslands: resist, accept, or direct? Society for Range Management Meeting Abstracts.
Bestelmeyer BT, Burkett LM, Lister L.  2021.  Effects of managed fire on a swale grassland in the Chihuahuan Desert. Rangelands. :1-4.
Bestelmeyer BT, Fernández-Giménez M, Densambuu B, Bruegger R.  2021.  State-and-transition modelling. The Routledge Handbook of Research Methods for Social-Ecological Systems. :371-382.
Boughton EH, Bestelmeyer BT, Kleinman PJA, Moglen GE, Spiegal S., Tsegaye T..  2021.  Long-term network research for the next agricultural revolution. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment. 19(8):432-434.
Brown JR, Elias EH, Emmott A, Mahuer A, Wilmer H.  2021.  Adapt (or succumb) to climate change on rangelands. Society for Range Management Meeting Proceedings. :1.
Browning DM, Stanish LF, Salley S.W, Kinsbury D, Hoover DL.  2021.  An evaluation of soil heterogeneity and representativeness within and across sites in the NEON network. ESA - August 2021 meeting -Virtual.
Browning DM, Russell ES, Ponce-Campos GE, Kaplan N.E, Richardson AD, Seyednasrollah B, Spiegal S., Saliendra NZ, Alfieri JG, Baker J.M et al..  2021.  Monitoring agroecosystem productivity and phenology at a national scale: A metric assessment framework. Ecological Indicators. 131
Browning DM, Russell ES, Ponce-Campos GE, Kaplan N.E, Richardson AD, Seyednasrollah B, Spiegal S., Saliendra NZ, Alfieri JG, Baker J.M et al..  2021.  Where management and climate variability matter most: An evaluation of metrics for monitoring agroecosystem production and phenology. 2021 Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union.
Brungard C, Nauman T, Duni D, Veblen K, Nehring K, White, II DA, Salley S.W, Anchang J.  2021.  Regional ensemble modeling reduces uncertainty for digital soil mapping. Geoderma. 397:114998.
Bryant R, Endale D, Spiegal S., Flynn CK, Meinen RJ, Cavigelli M, Kleinman PJA.  2021.  Poultry manureshed management: Opportunities and challenges for a vertically integrated industry. Journal of Environmental Quality. :1-12.
N. Burruss D, Rodriguez LL, Drolet B, Geil K, Pelzel-McCluskey A, Cohnstaedt LW, Derner J.D, Peters DC.  2021.  Predicting the geographic range of an invasive livestock disease across the contiguous USA under current and future climate conditions. Climate. 9(11):159.
Cárdenas PA, Christensen EM, Ernest M, Lightfoot DC, Schooley RL, Stapp P, Rudgers J.A..  2021.  Declines in rodent abundance and diversity track regional climate variability in North American drylands. Global Change Biology. 27:4005-4023.
Christensen EM, James D.K, Slaughter A.L, Maxwell CJ, Adler PB, Havstad K, Bestelmeyer BT.  2021.  Quadrat-based monitoring of desert grassland vegetation at the Jornada Experimental Range, New Mexico, 1915-2016.
Cunliffe AM, Anderson K, Boschetti F, Brazier RE, Graham HA, Myers-Smith IH, Astor T, Boer MM, Calvo LG, Clark PE et al..  2021.  Global application of an unoccupied aerial vehicle photogrammetry protocol for predicting aboveground biomass in non-forest ecosystems. Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation.
Dinan M, Elias EH, Webb N, Zwicke G., Dye TS, Aney S, Brady M, Brown JR, Dobos RR, Dubois D et al..  2021.  Addressing air quality, agriculture, and climate change across the Southwest and Southern Plains: A roadmap for research, extension, and policy. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society. 102(7):1394–1401.
Dinan M, Adler PB, Bradford JA, Brunson M., Elias EH, Felton A, Greene C, James J., Suding KN, Thacker E.  2021.  Making research relevant: Sharing climate change research with rangeland advisors to transform results into drought resilience. Rangelands. RALA-00311:1-9.
Duni D, Cibils AF, Estell RE, Cox A, McIntosh MM, Spiegal S..  2021.  Feeding habits of Brangus and Raramuri Criollo cows grazing Chihuahuan Desert rangeland. Society for Range Management Meeting Abstracts.
Edwards B, Webb N, Cooper B, Courtright E, Duni D, Newingham B, Pierson FB, Scott D, Tatarko J, Tedela NH et al..  2021.  Building a wind erosion and dust emission model for rangelands using National Wind Erosion Research Network data . 2021 LTAR Annual Meeting.
Edwards B, Webb N, Galloza M, Van Zee J, Courtright E, Cooper B, Metz L, Herrick JE, Okin GS, Duni D et al..  2021.  Parameterizing an aeolian erosion (AERO) model for rangelands. Aeolian Research. 54
Estell RE.  2021.  The genesis of the Jornada criollo cattle program. Journal of Arid Environments. 193(104563)
Gao F, Anderson M, Johnson DM, Seffrin R, Wardlow B, Suyker A, Diao C, Browning DM.  2021.  Towards routine mapping of crop emergence within the season using the harmonized Landsat and Sentinel-2 dataset. Remote Sensing. 13(24):5074.
Hennen M, Chappell A., Edwards B, Faist AM, Kandakji T, Baddock MC, Wheeler B, Tyree G, Treminio R, Webb N.  2021.  A North American dust emission climatology (2001–2020) calibrated to dust point sources from satellite observations. Aeolian Research. 54:100766.
Humphreys J, Young KI, Cohnstaedt LW, Hanley KA, Peters DC.  2021.  Vector Surveillance, Host Species Richness, and Demographic Factors as West Nile Disease Risk Indicators. Viruses. 13:1-18.
Ippolito TA, Herrick JE, Dosswa E, Garba M, Ouattara M, Singh U, Stewart Z, Prasad P.VVara, Oumarou IA, Neff J..  2021.  A Comparison of Approaches to Regional Land-Use Capability Analysis for Agricultural Land-Planning. Land. 10(5)
Iwaniec D, Gooseff M, Suding KN, Johnson DSamuel, Reed DC, Peters DC, Adams M.B., Barretyt JE, Bestelmeyer BT, Castoroni M et al..  2021.  Connectivity: insights from the U.S. Long Term Ecological Research Network. Ecosphere. 12(5):1-30.
Jacot J, Kiniry J.R., Williams AS, Coronel A, Su J, Miller GR, Mohanty B, Saha A, Gomez-Casanovas N, Johnson JMF et al..  2021.  Use of PhenoCam Measurements and Image Analysis to Inform the ALMANAC Process-based Simulation Model. Journal of Experimental Agriculture International. 43(1):120-144.
Jang W.S., Neff J., Im Y., Doro L., Herrick JE.  2021.  The Hidden Costs of Land Degradation in US Maize Agriculture. Earth's Future. 9(2):1-19.
Karban CC, Miller M., Herrick JE, Barger N..  2021.  Consequences of piñon-juniper woodland fuel reduction: Prescribed fire increases soil erosion while mastication does not. Ecosystems.
