From desert pasture to dinner plate: Evaluating the sustainability of supply chains for beef cattle coming from ranches of the Southwest

TitleFrom desert pasture to dinner plate: Evaluating the sustainability of supply chains for beef cattle coming from ranches of the Southwest
Publication TypeConference Proceedings
Year of Publication2022
AuthorsSpiegal S., Steiner J, Aney S, McIntosh MM
Conference NameSociety for Range Management Annual Meeting, ABQ, NM Feb 10, 2022
Date Published2/10/2022
ARIS Log Number393171
Keywordsbeef cattle, desert, dinner plate, evaluating, pasture, ranches, Southwest, supply chains, sustainability

Consumers and producers worldwide are paying attention to the environmental and social outcomes of beef production. The Society for Range Management knows that rangeland cattle production can impart a light environmental footprint, and sometimes even improve ecosystem services from rangelands, while being central to rural livelihoods. However, the environmental and social outcomes of beef that originates on grazinglands is integrally tied with processing, distribution, and consumption beyond ranch gates. In this symposium we will explore the connections among the links of the supply chains originating on ranches of the southwestern US and evaluate strategies for sustainability from pasture to plate, even in the face of a warming and drying climate. To encourage audience participation, we will provide a whiteboard or sticky note activity after each presentation to solicit feedback from the audience about applicability of the topic to their work, as well as suggestions for improving applicability more broadly.