Jornada Bibliography

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Canfield R.H..  1928.  Atmospheric electricity during sand storms. Science. 69:474-475.
Anderson D.M., Hulet CV, Smith J.N, Shupe, W. Larry, Murray L.W.  1992.  An attempt to bond weaned 3-month-old beef heifers to yearling ewes. Applied Animal Behavior Science. 34:181-188.
Barrow J.R..  2003.  Atypical morphology of dark septate fungal root endophytes of Bouteloua in arid southwestern USA rangelands. Mycorrhiza. 135:239-247.
Herbel C.H..  1966.  Australian Arid-Zone Research Conference. Journal of Range Management. 19:161-162.
Chappell A., Webb N, Butler H, Strong C, McTainish G, Leys J.  2012.  Australian carbon dust emission: a carbon accounting omission? Joint Australian and New Zealand Soil Science Conference. Sequestration - Accounting
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Wiens J.A..  1971.  Avian ecology and distribution in the comprehensive network, 1970. US/IBP Grassland Biome.
Eldridge D.J., Whitford WG.  2009.  Badger (Taxidea taxus) disturbances increase soil heterogeneity in a degraded shrub-steppe ecosystem. Journal of Arid Environment. :66-73.
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Hakkila M.D..  1986.  Beef steer diets, forage intake, and fecal indices in south-central New Mexico. :82.
Spiegal S., Duff G., Cibils AF, Steiner J, McIntosh MM, Aney S, Elias EH, Bestelmeyer BT, Bestelmeyer S, Estell RE.  2022.  Beef supply chains of the Southwestern United States: Inputs to marketing to consumption. Society for Range Management Annual Meeting, ABQ, NM Feb 10, 2022.
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Whitford WG, Bryant M.  1979.  Behavior of a predator and its prey: the horned lizard (Phrynosoma cornutum) and harvest ants (Pogonomyrmex spp). Ecology. 60:686-694.
Engelking C.T..  1969.  The behavior of pronghorn-antelope in southcentral New Mexico. :67.
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Fowler HG.  1980.  Behavioral and population ecology of a major Yucca herbivore. <i>Yucca</i>. :91-113.
Shaffer DT, Whitford WG.  1981.  Behavioral responses of a predator, the round-tailed horned lizard, Phrynosoma modestum and its prey, honey pot ants, Myrmecocystus ssp.. The American Midland Naturalist. 105:209-216.
Shaffer DT.  1979.  Behavioral responses of a predator, the round-tailed lizard (Phrynosoma modestum) and its prey, honey-pit ants (Myrmecocystus ssp). :27.
Peterson DK.  1986.  Behavioral responses of Chihuahuan Desert lizards to habitat modification. :45.
Anderson D.M., Hulet CV, Smith J.N, Shupe, W. Larry, Murray L.W.  1988.  Behaviour modification in sheep to reduce canine predation and facilitate grazing with cattle. Proceedings of the Third International Rangeland Congress, Range Management Society of India. II:427-430.
Anderson D.M., Estell RE.  2009.  Behaviour - The keystone in optimizing free-ranging ungulate production. Encycloedia of Life Suport Systems (EOLSS).
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Peters DC, Havstad K, Archer SR, Sala O.E.  2015.  Beyond desertification: new paradigms for dryland landscapes. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment. 13(1):4-12.
Hochstrasser T., Peters DC, Fehmi J.S., Von Finger K..  2002.  A bibliography of important plant species in the Chihuahuan Desert of North America (1904-2002). :277.
Bestelmeyer BT, McCord S, Webb N, Brown JR, Herrick JE, Peters DC.  2020.  Big data, local science: Not an oxymoron. Ecological Society of America.
Peters DC, McVey D, Elias EH, Pelzel-McCluskey A, Derner J.D, N. Burruss D, Schrader ST, Yao J, Pauszek SJ, Lombard J et al..  2020.  Big data-model integration and AI for vector-borne disease predictor. Ecosphere. 11(6):1-20.
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Whitford WG.  1992.  Biogeochemical consequences of desertification. The Science of Global Change, The Impact of Human Activities on the Environment. :352-359.
Abrahams AD, Neave M, Schlesinger W.H, Wainwright J, Howes DA, Parsons A.J..  2006.  Biogeochemical fluxes across piedmont slopes of the Jornada Basin. Structure and Function of a Chihuahuan Desert Ecosystem. The Jornada Basin Long-Term Ecological Research Site. :150-175.
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Lajtha K.  1986.  The biogeochemistry of phosphorous cycling and phosphorous availability in a desert ecosystem.
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Herrera E.A., Huenneke L..  1996.  Biological Diversity in the Land of Enchantment: New Mexico's Natural Heritage. New Mexico Journal of Science. 36:1-375.
Schlesinger W.H, Reynolds J.F, Cunningham GL, Huenneke L., Jarrell W.M, Virginia R.A, Whitford WG.  1990.  Biological Feedbacks in Global Desertification. Science. 247:1043-1048.
Phinn S, Franklin J, Hope A, Stow D, Huenneke L..  1996.  Biomass distribution mapping using airborne digital video imagery and spatial statistics in a semi-arid environment. Journal of Environmental Management. 47:139-164.
Whitford WG, Kay F.R.  1999.  Biopedturbation by mammals in deserts: A review. Journal of Arid Environments. 41:203-230.
McKenna OP, Sala O.E.  2016.  Biophysical controls over concentration and depth distribution of soil organic carbon and nitrogen in desert playas. Journal of Geophysical Research - Biogeosciences. 121
