Biodiversity and evolution of mycorrhizae of the desert

TitleBiodiversity and evolution of mycorrhizae of the desert
Publication TypeBook Chapter
Year of Publication2000
AuthorsHerman P
EditorBacon CW, White, Jr. JF
Book TitleMicrobial Endophytes
PublisherMarcel Dekker, Inc.
CityNew York
Accession NumberJRN00297
Call Number00730
Keywordsbiodiversity, mycorrhizae, book, books, chapter, chapters, fungal community, fungi, biodiversity, fungi, mycorrhizae, mycorrhizae, biodiversity, report, reports
AbstractRefers to some of the literature on arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF). The focus is on aspects of the role of AMF in plants from arid and semiarid environments.
Reprint EditionIn File (4 copies)