Autonomous gathering of livestock using a multi-functional sensor network platform

TitleAutonomous gathering of livestock using a multi-functional sensor network platform
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2010
AuthorsDoniec M, Detweiler C., Vasilescu L., Anderson D.M., Rus D.
Conference NameHot Topics in Embedded Networked Sensors
Date Published06/2010
Conference LocationKillarney, Ireland
ARIS Log Number257417

In this paper we develop algorithms and hardware for the autonomous gathering of cattle. We present a comparison of three different autonomous gathering algorithms that employ sound and/or electric stimuli to guide the cattle. We evaluate these algorithms in simulation by extending previous behavioral simulations for cattle.  We implemented one of these algorithms and present data from experiments in which cattle were equipped with sensor nodes that allowed cueing with sound and electric stimuli. We discuss the minimum requirements for algorithms and hardware for autonomous gathering.
