Better cattle distribution through the use of meal-salt mix

TitleBetter cattle distribution through the use of meal-salt mix
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication1953
AuthorsAres F.N.
JournalJournal of Range Management
Date PublishedSeptember 1, 195
Keywordscattle distribution, cottonseed meal-salt mixture, range management, uniform utilization
AbstractA basic principle of good range management is distributing livestock so that utilization of forage will be as uniform as possible on all parts of the range. Cattle naturally tend to congregate near watering places and on level or other favored areas with the result that, unless provisions are made for distribution, parts of the range are too heavily grazed, parts grazed to the proper degree, and parts receive little or no grazing use. Many methods are used to encourage more uniform cattle grazing. Fencing into small range units and developing watering facilities are effective but limited by economic considerations. Placing salt in little used areas, periodic closing of watering places, and herding and riding are helpful practices. Yet, because of the natural grazing habits of cattle and the rough character of most rangelands, the pattern of grazing use is seldom fully satisfactory. A possible new tool for controlling cattle distribution is provided by the cottonseed meal-salt mixture which is becoming a popular and widely used supplemental range feed, especially in the Southwest.