Jornada Bibliography

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Cunningham GL, Syvertsen J.P, Reynolds J.F, Willson J.M.  1979.  Some effects of soil-moisture availability on above-ground production and reproductive allocation in Larrea tridentata (DC) Cov. Oecologia. 40:113-123.
Gadzia K.  1979.  Growth and development patterns of black grama in southern New Mexico. :92.
Herbel C.H..  1979.  Arid land seeding. Proceedings of the 33rd Annual Report, Vegetative Rehabilitation and Equipment Workshop. :7-9.
Herbel C.H..  1979.  Utilization of grass- and shrublands of the southwestern United States. Management of Semiarid Ecosystems. :161-203.
Ludwig J., Flavill P..  1979.  Production patterns of Larrea in the northern Chihuahuan Desert. <i>Larrea</i>. :139-150.
Miles NJo.  1979.  Host specificity in the Yucca moth, Tegeticula yuccasella complex (Lepidoptera: Incurvariidae): A morphometric approach. :48.
Miller RF, Donart G.B..  1979.  Response of Bouteloua eriopoda (Torr.) Torr. and Sporobolus flexuosus (Thurb.) Rybd. to season of defoliation. Journal of Range Management. 32:63-67.
Pearson H.A., Herbel C.H., Pendleton D..  1979.  A tour of East German agriculture. Rangelands. 1:9-11.
Reynolds J.F, Cunningham GL, Syvertsen J.P.  1979.  A net CO2 exchange model for Larrea tridentata. Photosynthetica. 13:279-286.
Richards SGlen.  1979.  Milk production, weight changes and preweaning growth rate of Brangus, Hereford and reciprocal crossbred cows under semidesert conditions. :63.
Santos PF.  1979.  The role of microarthropods and nematodes in litter decomposition in a Chihuahuan desert ecosystem. :82.
Schowalter T.D, Whitford WG.  1979.  Territorial behavior of Bootettix argentatus Bruner (Orthoptera: Acrididae). The American Midland Naturalist. 102:182-184.
Shaffer DT.  1979.  Behavioral responses of a predator, the round-tailed lizard (Phrynosoma modestum) and its prey, honey-pit ants (Myrmecocystus ssp). :27.
Sisson W.B..  1979.  Carbon dioxide exchange of Yucca elata Engelm: effect of temperature on photosynthesis and root respiration. Yucca Symposium.
Sisson W.B..  1979.  Photosynthesis, growth, and UV irradiance absorbance of Cucurbita pepo leaves exposed to UV-B radiation (280-315 nm). Western Section of the American Society for Plant Physiology.
Smith G, Kiesling H.E., Ray E.E., Orcasberro R., Trujillo P.A., Herbel C.H., Sivinski J.S.  1979.  Dried irradiated sewage solids as supplemental feed for cattle.
Smith G, Kiesling H.E., Orcasberro R., Ray E.E., Herbel C.H..  1979.  Sewage solids as supplemental feed for beef cows grazing dormant rangeland forage. American Society for Animal Science Conference. :178.
Stein RA, Ludwig J..  1979.  Vegetation and soil patterns on a Chihuahuan Desert bajada. The American Midland Naturalist. 101:28-37.
Syvertsen J.P, Cunningham GL.  1979.  The effects of irradiating adaxial or abaxial leaf surface on the rate of net photosynthesis of Perezia nana and Helianthus annuus. Photosynthetica. 13:287-293.
Wahl CRex.  1979.  Seasonal, interspecific, and intraspecific variation in the mobbing response of desert birds to different predator types. :65.
Whitford WG, Bryant M.  1979.  Behavior of a predator and its prey: the horned lizard (Phrynosoma cornutum) and harvest ants (Pogonomyrmex spp). Ecology. 60:686-694.
Winder J.A, Rankin B.J.  1979.  Postweaning growth and reproductive performance of Hereford, Brangus and reciprocal crossbred heifers. Proceedings, Western Section, American Society of Animal Science. 30:28-33.
Winder J.A.  1979.  Postweaning growth and reproductive performance of Hereford, Brangus, and reciprocal crossbred heifers. :63.
Alberico M.S.  1978.  Species diversity of nocturnal rodents in disturbed desert-grassland habitats. :80.
Beck RF.  1978.  A grazing system for semiarid lands. First International Rangeland Conference. Vol. 1
Crawford C.S.  1978.  Seasonal water balance in Orthoporus ornatus, a desert millipede. Ecology. 59:996-1004.
Cunningham GL, Reynolds J.F.  1978.  A simulation model of primary production and carbon allocation in the creosotebush (Larrea tridentata [DC.] Cov.). Ecology. 59:37-52.
de Torre GLopez, Rankin B.J.  1978.  Factors affecting growth curve parameters of Hereford and Brangus cows. Journal of Animal Science. 46:604-613.
Delesantro MC.  1978.  The breeding ecology of the Black-throated Sparrow in southern New Mexico. :43.
DePree E.  1978.  Energy allocation in desert winter annuals: test of the r- and k- selection theory. :77.
DePree E, Ludwig J..  1978.  Vegetative and reproductive growth patterns in desert willow (Chilopsis linearis (Cav.) Sweet). The Southwestern Naturalist. 23:239-246.
Ettershank G, Ettershank J, Bryant M, Whitford WG.  1978.  Effects of nitrogen fertilization on primary production in a Chihuahuan Desert ecosystem. Journal of Arid Environments. 1:135-139.
Ettershank G, Elkins NZ, Santos PF, Whitford WG, Aldon EF.  1978.  The use of termites and other soil fauna to develop soils on strip mine spoils.
Freas K.E..  1978.  Reproductive strategies in desert annuals: test of a fixed germination hypothesis. :23.
Gerard J.B.  1978.  Factors affecting fruit fill and seed germination of fourwing saltbush (Atriplex canescens (Pursh) Nutt.). First Inter. Rangeland Conference, Soc. Range Management. Volume 1:403-405.
Herbel C.H..  1978.  Arid land seeder. 32nd Annual Report, Vegetative Rehabilitation and Equipment Workshop. :12.
Hulet CV.  1978.  Improving reproductive efficiency in sheep.
Jones KBruce.  1978.  Thermal ecology of the nocturnal snake, Arizona elegans and the diurnal snake, Masticophis flagellum: Factors influencing activity. :40.
Kay F.R, Whitford WG.  1978.  Burrow environment of the banner-tailed kangaroo rat, Dipodomys spectabilis, in south-central New Mexico. The American Midland Naturalist. 99:270-279.
Kay CAnn, Whitford WG.  1978.  Critical thermal limits of desert honey ants: possible ecological implications. Physiological Zoology. 51:206-213.
Kinzer H.G, Reeves J.M, Atmar J.W.  1978.  Host location by the horn fly: field evaluation of an artificial device for measuring attraction to various stimuli. Environmental Entomology. 7:375-378.
Lewis J.K, Lacey J., Gibbens, Robert P., Heintz J., Herndon J., Blome L..  1978.  Effects of range condition on summer steer gains. 31st Annual Meeting, Society for Range Management. :11-12.
McNeal L.G, Hulet CV, Walters J.L, Foote W.C..  1978.  Range ewe production under twice a year lambing. II. Lamb and wool production.
Nadabo S.  1978.  Growth patterns of broom snakeweed (Xanthocephalum sarothrae (Pursh) Shinners) in southern New Mexico. :67.
Rankin B.J, Shaffer S.M, Neville SPaul, Holland L.A..  1978.  Crossbreeding Hereford and Brangus cattle in varied southwestern environments. :20.
Rankin B.J, Torres-Hernandez C..  1978.  Factors affecting fall weights of Brangus and Hereford cows in southern New Mexico.
Rodriquez JGonzalez, Pieper, Rex D., Smith G.  1978.  Botanical composition of cattle diets on desert grassland range.
