Host location by the horn fly: field evaluation of an artificial device for measuring attraction to various stimuli

TitleHost location by the horn fly: field evaluation of an artificial device for measuring attraction to various stimuli
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication1978
AuthorsKinzer H.G, Reeves J.M, Atmar J.W
JournalEnvironmental Entomology
Date Published1978
Call Number00602
Keywordsarticle, articles, cattle, horn fly, horn fly, insect, horn fly, journal, journals, parasite, horn fly, technique, olfactometer
AbstractField olfactometers were designed for presenting various stimuli to host-seeking horn flies and measuring the degree of response. The devices emitted desired levels of gases and heat, and their form was suitable for flies to orient to, land upon, and be entrapped. The temperature of the devices and CO2 affected orientation of flies to the devices. The data show that the devices are suitable for assessment of the parameters involved in host location.