Arid land seeding

TitleArid land seeding
Publication TypeConference Proceedings
Year of Publication1979
AuthorsHerbel C.H.
Conference NameProceedings of the 33rd Annual Report, Vegetative Rehabilitation and Equipment Workshop
Date Published1979
Keywordsarid land, arid land seeder, prototype, rootplowed, seeding
AbstractDuring the past year, an area on the Jornada Experimental Range infested with creosotebush and some honey mesquite was rootplowed and seeded with the arid land seeder prototype equipment developed in the 1960's. Lehmann and Boer lovegrasses, black and sideoats grama, yellow bluestem, blue panicgrass and forwing saltbush were used in the seeding. The Jornada Experimental Range is planning to treat about 200 acres with this equipment so the effects of rootplowing and seeding on the ecosystem can be studied. Other vegetative rehabilitation equipment that members of the workgroup are developing are a low-energy grubber, new rangeland seeder, disk chain and land imprinter.