Postweaning growth and reproductive performance of Hereford, Brangus and reciprocal crossbred heifers

TitlePostweaning growth and reproductive performance of Hereford, Brangus and reciprocal crossbred heifers
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication1979
AuthorsWinder J.A, Rankin B.J
JournalProceedings, Western Section, American Society of Animal Science
Date Published1979
Call Number00592
Keywordsarticle, articles, cattle, genetics, cattle, management, cattle, productivity, cattle, reproduction, journal, journals
AbstractHereford, Brangus and reciprocal crossbred heifers from two distinct New Mexico environments and three consecutive calf crops were evaluated for the effects of year, ranch source (environment), breed of sire, breed of dam, heterosis and residual genotype X environment interactions on postweaning growth and reproductive performance.