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Funk M., McIntosh MM, Bender L., Cibils AF, Cox A, Fuentes-Soriano S., Spiegal S., Estell RE.  2022.  Oryx (Oryx gazella gazella) presence patterns in a long term grazing study in the Chihuahuan Desert of New Mexico. 2022 Society for Range Management Annual Meeting.
Goodrich DC, Bosch DD, Bryant R, Cosh MH, Endale D, Veith T, Kleinman PJA, Langendoen E, McCarty G, Pierson FB et al..  2022.  Long term agroecosystem research experimental watershed network. Hydrological Processes. 36(3):e14534.
Heller A., Webb N, Bestelmeyer BT, Brungard C, Davidson Z.  2022.  An inductive approach to developing ecological site concepts with existing monitoring data. Rangeland Ecology & Management. 83:133-148.
Hudson AR, Peters DPC, Blair JM, Childers DL, Doran PT, Geil K, Gooseff M, Gross KL, Haddad N, Pastore MA et al..  2022.  Cross-Site comparisons of dryland ecosystem response to climate change in the US Long-Term Ecological Research Network. BioScience. 72(9):889-907.
Hurst Z, Archer DW, Coffin A.W, Van Huysen T, Goslee S, Pisarello K, Wulfhorst J.D, Spiegal S..  2022.  Mapping North America agroecosystems: A social-ecological systems approach. Agriculture and Human Values Annual Conference (Oral presentation).
Hurst Z, Gwendwr M, Friedrichsen C, Wulfhorst J.D.  2022.  Understanding Collaboration in a Research Network: The Role of Trust. International Association for Society and Natural Resources.
Islam KIftekharul, Elias EH, Brown C, James D.K, Heimel S.  2022.  A statistical approach to using Remote Sensing Data to Discern Streamflow Variable Influence in the Snow Melt Dominated Upper Rio Grande Basin. Remote Sensing. 14(23):6076.
Kachergis E, Miller SW, Dickard M, Savage S, Reynolds LV, Lepak N, Dietrich C, Green A, Nafus A, Prentice K et al..  2022.  Adaptive monitoring for multiscale land management: Lessons learned from the Assessment, Inventory, and Monitoring (AIM) principles. Rangelands. 44(1):50-63.
Laschè SN, Schroeder RWR, McIntosh MM, Lucero JE, Spiegal S., Funk M., Beck RF, Holechek JL, Faist AM.  2022.  Long-term growing season aridity and grazing seasonality effects on perennial grass biomass in a Chihuahuan Desert rangeland. Journal of Arid Environments. 209
López DRubén, Cavallero L, Willems P, Bestelmeyer BT, Brizuela M.A.  2022.  Degradation influences equilibrium and non-equilibrium dynamics in rangelands: Implications in resilience and stability. Applied Vegetation Science. :e12670.
Mangum A, Carling G, Aanderud Z, Fernandez D, Nelson S, Rey K, LeMonte J, Leifi DT, Brahney J, Webb N.  2022.  Characterizing dust from National Wind Erosion Research Network sites using isotopic fingerprinting, mineralogy, and major and trace element chemistry. American Geohpycal Union (AGU) Fall Meeting, Chicago, IL.
Maynard J, Yeboah E, Owusu S, Buenemann M., Neff J., Herrick JE.  2022.  Accuracy of regional-to-global soil maps for on-farm decision making: Are soil maps “good enough”? Egusphere.
Maynard J, Maniak S, Hamrick L, Peacock G, McCord S, Herrick JE.  2022.  LandPKS Toolbox: Open-source mobile app tools for sustainable land management. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation. 77(6):91A-97A.
McCord S, Pilliod D.  2022.  Adaptive monitoring in support of adaptive management in rangelands. Rangelands. 44(1):1-7.
McIntosh MM, Spiegal S., McIntosh S., Sanchez JCastano, Estell RE, Steele C, Elias EH, C. Bailey D, Brown JR, Cibils AF.  2022.  Assessing grazing behavior of heritage, hybrid, and conventional cattle breeds in response to climate change. Society for Range Management.
McIntosh MM, Macon L., Redd M, Cibils AF, Estell RE, Nyamuryekung'e S., Utsumi S.A, Gonzalez AL, Cox A, Duff G. et al..  2022.  Explorations of heritage vs conventional cattle in a changing climate. Explorations of heritage vs conventional cattle in a changing climate .
McIntosh MM, Holechek JL, Spiegal S., Cibils AF, Estell RE, Steele C, Jeon S., Bestelmeyer BT.  2022.  Long-term effects of stocking rate, year, and weather on honey mesquite canopy cover and density. Society for Range Management.
McIntosh MM, Spiegal S., Aney S, Steiner J.  2022.  Precision grazing: State of the science and opportunity for user feedback on new technologies. Society for Range Management Annual Meeting, ABQ, NM Feb 10, 2022.
McIntosh MM, Cibils AF, Nyamuryekung'e S., Estell RE, Cox A, Duni D, Utsumi S.A, Gong Q, Waterhouse T, Holland JP et al..  2022.  Testing of a LoRa-WAN digital ranching system on desert rangelands: Some practical experiences. 2021 NMSU ACES BEEF, DAIRY AND LIVESTOCK UPDATE Presented by NMSU Cooperative Extension Service.
Meinen RJ, Spiegal S., Kleinman PJA, Flynn CK, Goslee S, Mikesell RE, Church C., Bryant R, Boggess M.  2022.  Opportunities to implement manureshed management in the Iowa, North Carolina, and Pennsylvania swine industry. Journal of Environmental Quality.
Meredith GRhiannon, Spiegal S., Kleinman PJA, R. Harmel D.  2022.  The social networks of manureshed management. Journal of Environmental Quality.
Newingham B, Kachergis E, Ganguli A, Foster B, Price L, McCord S.  2022.  Lessons given and learned from rangeland monitoring courses. Rangelands. 44(1):29-38.
Nyamuryekung'e S., Duff G., Cibils AF, Estell RE, Utsumi S.A, Funk M., Cox A, Gong Q, Spiegal S., Gouvea V. et al..  2022.  Field testing of LoRa-WAN sensors for real-time tracking and biosensing of Brangus and Raramuri Criollo cattle foraging on a small pasture. Journal of Animal Science.
Nyamuryekung'e S., Estell RE, James D.K, Cibils AF, McIntosh MM, Spiegal S., Utsumi S.A.  2022.  Heritage Raramuri Criollo cattle production as a potential strategy for conservation of black grama in the Chihuahuan Desert. Journal of Animal Science.
Nyamuryekung'e S., Cibils AF, Estell RE, VanLeeuwen D., Spiegal S., Steele C, Gonzalez AL, McIntosh MM, Gong Q, Cao H.  2022.  Movement, activity, and landscape use patterns of heritage and commercial beef cows grazing Chihuahuan Desert rangeland. Journal of Arid Environments. 199:104704.
Nyamuryekung'e S., Cibils AF, Utsumi S.A, Estell RE, Cox A, Duni D, Gouvea V., Brandani C, Duff G., Gong Q et al..  2022.  Real-time LoRaWAN precision ranching technologies: What we've learned. 2022 Society for Range Management Annual Meeting.
Nyamuryekung'e S., Cox A, Perea A., Estell RE, Cibils AF, Holland JP, Waterhouse T, Duff G., Funk M., Aney S et al..  2022.  Training beef cattle to use virtual fence systems. 2nd US Precision Livestock Farming Conference May 2023.
Nyamuryekung'e S., Cibils AF, Estell RE, Utsumi S.A, McIntosh MM, Spiegal S..  2022.  The use of heritage cattle breeds as a mitigation strategy for solving new challenges imposed by climate change in Chihuahuan Desert rangelands of the southwestern United States. 5th Rangeland Conference, Rangeland Society of Tanzania. April, 2022, Morogoro, Tanzania .
Nyamuryekung'e S, Cox A, Perea A., McIntosh MM, Estell RE, Cibils AF, Holland J., Waterhouse T, Duff G., Funk M. et al..  2022.  Virtual fencing of nursing cattle grazing large pastures of Chihuahuan Desert rangelands. Society for Range Management.
Osborne BB, Bestelmeyer BT, Currier CM, Homyak PM, Throop HL, Young K, Reed SC.  2022.  The consequences of climate change for dryland biogeochemistry. New Phytologist.
Pi H., Webb N, Lei J., Li S..  2022.  Soil loss and PM10 emissions from agricultural fields in the Junggar Basin over the past six decades. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation. 77(2):113-125.
Saha A, Saha G, Cibin R, Spiegal S., Kleinman PJA.  2022.  Evaluation of water quality benefits of manureshed based manure management in the Susquehanna River Basin. Proceedings of the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers International (ASABE).
Saha A, Saha G, Cibin R, Spiegal S., Kleinman PJA, Veith TL, White CM, Drohan P.J.  2022.  Quantifying the water quality benefits of implementing manureshed concept based manure management in the Susquehanna River Basin. 2022 Chesapeake Community Research Symposium, Annual Meeting, June 6-8, 2022.
Sainnemekh S, Barrio IC, Densambuu B, Bestelmeyer BT, Aradóttir ÁL.  2022.  Rangeland degradation in Mongolia: A systematic review of the evidence. Journal of Arid Environments. 196:104654.
Spiegal S., Duff G., Cibils AF, Steiner J, McIntosh MM, Aney S, Elias EH, Bestelmeyer BT, Bestelmeyer S, Estell RE.  2022.  Beef supply chains of the Southwestern United States: Inputs to marketing to consumption. Society for Range Management Annual Meeting, ABQ, NM Feb 10, 2022.
Spiegal S., Steiner J, Aney S, McIntosh MM.  2022.  From desert pasture to dinner plate: Evaluating the sustainability of supply chains for beef cattle coming from ranches of the Southwest. Society for Range Management Annual Meeting, ABQ, NM Feb 10, 2022.
Spiegal S., Webb N, Boughton EH, Boughton RK, Brymer ABentley, Clark PE, Collins C D.Holifield, Hoover DL, Kaplan N.E, McCord S et al..  2022.  Measuring the social and ecological performance of agricultural innovations on rangelands: Progress and plans for an indicator framework in the LTAR network. Rangelands. :1-11.
Spiegal S., Gwendwr M, Bittman S., Silveira M, Vendramini JMB, Rotz C.A, Flynn CK, Boggess M, Kleinman PJA.  2022.  Nutrient circularity for sustainability in beef supply chains: Comparing the performance of three manureshed approaches. Waste to Worth Annual Conference Proceedings 2022.
Spiegal S., Vendramini JMB, Bittman S., Silveira M, Gifford C, Rotz C.A, Ragosta JP, Kleinman PJA.  2022.  Recycling nutrients in the beef supply chain through circular manuresheds: Data to assess tradeoffs. Journal of Environmental Quality.
Spiegal S., Cibils AF, Steiner J, Estell RE, Bestelmeyer BT, McIntosh MM, Bestelmeyer S, Aney S, Elias EH, Duff G..  2022.  Sustainable Southwest Beef: Evaluating innovations from pasture to plate. 2022 Society for Range Management Annual Meeting.
Stauffer N, Garman S.L.  2022.
Stauffer N, Laurance-Traynor A, McCord S.  2022.  A web interface for exploring and setting land management benchmarks. Society for Range Management Annual Meeting 2022.
Steiner JL, Spiegal S, Elias EH, Aney S.  2022.  Beef Brief: A new Normal for Irrigated Agriculture to Sustain the Ogallala Aquifer.
Sun J, Wang Y, Piao S, Liu M, Han G., Li J, Liang E, Lee TMing, Liu G, Wilkes A et al..  2022.  Toward a sustainable grassland ecosystem worldwide. The Innovation. 3:e100265.
Taylor SD, Browning DM.  2022.  Classification of daily crop phenology in PhenoCams using deep learning and hidden markov models. Remote Sensing. 14
Taylor SD, Browning DM.  2022.  Deep learning models for identifying cropland attributes from near surface cameras. Biogeosciences.
Tyree G, Chappell A., Villarreal ML, Dhital S, Duni D, Edwards B, Faist AM, Nauman T, Webb N.  2022.  The impact of vegetation removal by oil and gas development on wind erosion and dust emission in the Upper Colorado River Basin. AGU22 FALL MEETING.
Utsumi S.A, Nyamuryekung'e S., McIntosh MM, Cibils AF, Estell RE, Spiegal S., Duff G., Cao H, Boucheron LE, Chen H. et al..  2022.  Digital ranching as aspirational system for resilient ranching on Southwestern US rangelands. 2022 Society for Range Management Annual Meeting.
Utsumi S.A, Nyamuryekung'e S., McIntosh MM, Cibils AF, Estell RE, Spiegal S., Duff G., Cao H, Boucheron LE, Chen H. et al..  2022.  Digital tools for sustainable ranching on Southwestern US rangelands. 2022 Society for Range Management Annual Meeting.
