Adaptive monitoring for multiscale land management: Lessons learned from the Assessment, Inventory, and Monitoring (AIM) principles

TitleAdaptive monitoring for multiscale land management: Lessons learned from the Assessment, Inventory, and Monitoring (AIM) principles
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2022
AuthorsKachergis E, Miller SW, Dickard M, Savage S, Reynolds LV, Lepak N, Dietrich C, Green A, Nafus A, Prentice K, Davidson Z
Date Published03/1/2022
ARIS Log Number379514
Keywordsdata management, decision-making, design, indicators, public lands, rangeland monitoring

On the Ground
• The BLM Assessment, Inventory, and Monitoring (AIM) strategy recommends five principles for building multiscale monitoring programs: standardized methods and indicators; data management and stewardship; appropriate sample designs; remote sensing integration; and structured implementation. These principles guide monitoring across public lands.

• We find the AIM principles are sound and worthy of consideration for design and adaptation of rangeland monitoring programs worldwide.

• An emergent principle, standard workflows and analysis frameworks for using data, connects data to land management decision-making and empowers land managers.

• The AIM principles inspire and provide opportunities for the rangeland management community to implement adaptive management.
