Jornada Bibliography

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Conley MR.  1982.  Carrion location efficiency in burying beetles, Nicrophorus carolinus (L.) (Silphidae). Southwest National. 27:11-15.
Conley W.H., Conley MR, Karl TR.  1992.  A computational study of episodic events and historical context in long-term ecological process: climate and grazing in the northern Chihuahuan Desert. Coenoses. 7:55-60.
Connin S.L, Virginia R.A, Chamberlin C.P.  1997.  Carbon isotopes reveal soil organic matter dynamics following arid land shrub expansion. Oecologia. 110:374-386.
R. Corona S, Fredrickson E.L., Ceballos G., Gonzalez AL, Laliberte AS, Davidson A.D., Sanchez R.L., Bezanilla G., Gevara E.P..  2007.  Can prairie dog-cattle interactions be used to remediate desertified Chihuahuan Desert grasslands? Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting. :PS39-205.
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Di Stefano SF, Stauffer N, Karl JW, McCord S.  2017.  A comparison of two vegetation height measurement methods for applications to sage grouse habitat evaluations. 70th Annual Society for Range Management Meeting. Jan 29 - Feb 02, 2017
Di Stefano SF, Karl JW, McCord S, Stauffer N, Makela P, Manning M.  2018.  Comparison of 2 vegetation height methods for assessing greater sage-grouse seasonal habitat. Wildlife Society Bulletin. 42(2):213-224.
Diekmann LO, Lawrence D, Okin GS.  2007.  Changes in the spatial variation of soil properties following shifting cultivation in a Mexican tropical dry forest. Biogeochemistry. 84(1):99-113.
Drewa P.B., Platt W.J., Moser E.B..  2002.  Community structure along elevation gradients in headwater regions of longleaf pine savannas. Plant Ecology. 160:61-78.
Driscoll CT, Groffman PM, Blair JM, Lugo AE, Laney C., Peters DC.  2013.  Cross-site comparisons of precipitation and surface water chemistry. Long-Term Trends in Ecological Systems: A Basis for Understanding Responses to Global Change. :46-50.
Driscoll CT, Groffman PM, Blair JM, Lugo AE, Laney C., Peters DC.  2011.  Cross-site comparisons of precipitation and surface water chemistry.
Dunford M.P..  1984.  Cytotype distribution of Atriplex canescens (Chenopodiaceae) of southern New Mexico and adjacent Texas. The Southwestern Naturalist. 29:223-228.
Duni D, Bestelmeyer BT.  2010.  Climate-soil interactions: global change, local properties, and ecological sites. 63rd Society for Range Management Annual Meetings.
Durand N, Monger CH, Canti MG.  2010.  Calcium carbonate features. Interpretation of Micromorphological Features of Soils and Regoliths. :149-194.
Duval B.D., Whitford WG.  2009.  Camel spider (Solifugae) use of prairie dog colonies. Western North American Naturalist. 69:272-276.
Edwards B, Webb N, Brown DA, Elias EH, Peck DE, Pierson FB, Williams JC, Herrick JE.  2019.  Climate change impacts on wind and water erosion on US rangelands. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation. 74(4):405-418.
Elias EH, Rango A., Smith R, Maxwell CJ, Steele C, Havstad K.  2016.  Climate change, agriculture and water resources in the Southwestern United States. Journal of Contemporary Water Research and Education. (158):46-61.
Elias EH, Schrader ST, Abatzoglou JT, James D.K, Crimmins M, Weiss J, Rango A..  2018.  County-level climate change information to support decision-making on working lands within USDA Climate Hub regions. Climatic Change. 148(355):355–369.
Elias EH.  2015.  Climate programs update: USDA Southwest Regional Climate Hub update. Great Basin Consortium Conference.
Elias EH, McVey D, Peters DC, Derner J.D, Pelzel-McCluskey A, Schrader ST, Rodriguez LL.  2018.  Contributions of hydrology to Vesicular Stomatitis Virus emergence in the Western USA. Ecosystems. 22:416-433.
Elias EH, Flynn R, Idowu OJohn, Reyes J.T., Sanogo S, Schutte BJ, Smith R, Steele C, Sutherland C.  2019.  Crop Vulnerability to Weather and Climate Risk: Analysis of Interacting Systems and Adaptation Efficacy for Sustainable Crop Production. Sustainability. 11(23):6619.
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Estell RE.  2010.  Coping with shrub secondary metabolites by ruminants. Small Ruminant Research. 94:1-9.
Estell RE, Havstad K, Cibils AF, Anderson D.M., Schrader ST.  2014.  The changing role of shrubs in rangeland-based livestock production systems: Can shrubs increase our forage supply? Rangelands. 36(2):25-31.
Estell RE, Fredrickson E.L., Havstad K.  1996.  Chemical composition of Flourensia cernua at four growth stages. Grass and Forage Science. 51:434-441.
Estell RE, Cibils AF, Utsumi S.A, Stricklan D., Butler E.M, Fish A.I, Ganguli A.  2018.  Controlling one-seed juniper saplings with small ruminants: What we've learned. Rangelands. 40:129-135.
Fatehi M.  1986.  Comparative seasonal food habits of black-tailed jackrabbits and cattle on semidesert rangeland. :68.
Fay PA, McElligott V.T., Havstad K.  1989.  Containment of free-ranging goats using pulsed-radio-wave-activated shock collars. Applied Animal Behavior Science. 23:165-171.
Forsling C.L..  1919.  Chopped soapweed as emergency feed for cattle on Southwestern ranges. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Bulletin 745. :20.
Foster B, McCord S, Kachergis E.  2018.  Coordinating a national rangeland monitoring training program: Success and lessons learned. Society for Range Management Meeting. January 28-February 2, 2018
Fowler HG, Whitford WG.  1984.  Coordinated prey capture by Novomessor cockerelli (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). New York Entomological Society. 91:328-332.
Fredrickson E.L., Gonzalez AL.  2002.  Complexity, desertification and livestock production: Dancing with the winds of change. Proceedings of the Universidad Autonoma de Chihuahua Symposium. :1-4.
Fredrickson E.L., Bezanilla G..  2005.  Collaborative animal science research: impacts of agriculture and trade policies on cross-border rangeland research and management. Society for Range Management, 58th Annual Meeting and Trade Show. :PaperNo.115.
Fredrickson E.L., Estell RE.  2005.  Criollo Cattle: An Examination of the Past with an Eye to the Future. American Society of Animal Science, New Mexico Branch American Association of Laboratory Animal Scientists.
Fredrickson E.L., Hyder P.W., Tellez M.R., Estell RE.  1998.  Concentrations and distributions of nordihydroguaiaretic acid, total phenolics and condensed tannins in creosotebush (Larrea tridentata). Annual Meeting, Society for Range Management. 51:29.
Friend J.P., Henderson M.M., Jagger J., Klein R.M., Parrish J.A., Seliger H.H., Setlow R.B., Sisson W.B..  1982.  Causes and Effects of Stratosphereic Ozone Depletion: An Update. :352pp.
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Gallardo A, Schlesinger W.H.  1992.  Carbon and nitrogen limitations of soil microbial biomass in desert ecosystems. Biogeochemistry. 18:1-17.
Gibbens, Robert P., Beck RF.  1988.  Changes in grass basal area and forb densities over a 64-year period on grassland types of the Jornada Experimental Range. Journal of Range Management. 41:186-192.
Gibbens, Robert P., Beck RF, Atwood T.L..  1986.  Canopy and ground cover inside and outside of livestock exclosures on brush ranges in southern New Mexico with up to 50 years of protection. 39th Annual Meeting, Society for Range Management. :133.
Gibbens, Robert P., Billheimer D.D., Havstad K, Herbel C.H..  1993.  Creosotebush vegetation after 50 years of lagomorph exclusion. Oecologia. 94:210-217.
Gile L.H.  1966.  Cambic and certain noncambic horizons in desert soils of southern New Mexico. Soil Science Society of America Proceedings. 30:773-781.
Gile L.H.  1961.  A classification of ca horizons in soils of a desert region, Dona Ana County, New Mexico. Soil Science Society of America Proceedings. 25:52-61.
Gile L.H.  1975.  Causes of soil boundaries in an arid region: II. Dissection, moisture and faunal activity. Soil Science Society of America Proceedings. 39:324-330.
