Contributing to the mitigation of climate change using rangeland management

TitleContributing to the mitigation of climate change using rangeland management
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2008
AuthorsDeSteiguer J.E., Brown JR, Thorpe J.
Date Published06/2008
ARIS Log Number228674
Keywordsclimate change, mitigation, rangeland management

The mitigation of climate change through rangeland management based projects seems to be viable in the marketplace. Carbon sequestration via rangeland management has a sound basis in both economics and ecology if the offset projects are compatible with existing land uses and management systems. However, to be competitive in a global, multisectoral market, rangeland projects must operate efficiently within market prices and rules and exploit inherent competitive advantages. Rangeland carbon sequestration projects are competitive because of the relatively low cost of achieving increased soil carbon storage and compatibility with existing management operations and production systems. Documenting and verifying changes in carbon storage may be a difficult challenge. The success of rangeland projects as participants in a private sector market will be determined in large part by the ability of the rangeland management profession (scientists, advisors and managers) to develop accurate, credible and cost-effective protocols to insure that gains are real.
