Jornada Bibliography

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Journal Article
Fisher F.M, Freckman D.W, Whitford WG.  1990.  Decomposition and soil nitrogen availability in Chihuahuan Desert field microcosms. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 22:241-249.
Forster M, Bestelmeyer S, Baez-Rodriguez N, Berkowitz A, Caplan B, Esposito R, Grace E, McGee S.  2018.  Data jams: Promoting data literacy and science engagement while encouraging creativity. Science Teacher. :48-53.
Elias EH, Flynn R, Idowu OJohn, Reyes J.T., Sanogo S, Schutte BJ, Smith R, Steele C, Sutherland C.  2019.  Crop Vulnerability to Weather and Climate Risk: Analysis of Interacting Systems and Adaptation Efficacy for Sustainable Crop Production. Sustainability. 11(23):6619.
Moorhead DL, Fisher F.M, Whitford WG.  1988.  Cover of spring annuals on nitrogen-rich kangaroo rat mounds in a Chihuahuan Desert grassland. The American Midland Naturalist. 120:443-447.
Fowler HG, Whitford WG.  1984.  Coordinated prey capture by Novomessor cockerelli (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). New York Entomological Society. 91:328-332.
Estell RE, Cibils AF, Utsumi S.A, Stricklan D., Butler E.M, Fish A.I, Ganguli A.  2018.  Controlling one-seed juniper saplings with small ruminants: What we've learned. Rangelands. 40:129-135.
Fay PA, McElligott V.T., Havstad K.  1989.  Containment of free-ranging goats using pulsed-radio-wave-activated shock collars. Applied Animal Behavior Science. 23:165-171.
Lucero M.E., Estell RE, Fredrickson E.L..  2010.  Composition of Ceanothus gregii oil as determined by steam distillation and solid-phase microextraction. Journal of Essential Oil Research. 22:140-142.
Jacob F., Petitcolin F., Schmugge T.J, Vermote E., French A.N., Ogawa K..  2004.  Comparison of land surface emissivity and radiometric temperature derived from MODIS and ASTER sensors. Remote Sensing of Environment. 90:137-152.
Baffaut C, Baker J.M, Biederman JA, Bosch DD, Brooks ES, Buda AR, Demariac EM, Elias EH, Flerchinger GN, Goodrich DC et al..  2020.  Comparative analysis of water budgets across the U.S. long-term agroecosystem research network. Journal of Hydrology. 588
Buonopane M., Foster HLaura, Remmenga M.D..  2005.  Community response to removals of plant functional groups and species from a Chihuahuan Desert shrubland. Oikos. 110:67-80.
Laliberte AS, Fredrickson E.L., Rango A..  2007.  Combining Decision Trees with Hierarchical Object-Oriented Image Analysis for Mapping Arid Rangelands. Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing. 73:197-207.
Erbe E.R, Rango A., Foster J., Josberger E.G, Pooley C.D., Wergin W.P..  2003.  Collecting, shipping, storing and imaging snow crystals and ice grains with low temperature scanning electron microscopy. Microscopy Research and Technique. 62:19-32.
Schreiner-McGraw A.P, Vivoni E, Mascaro G., Franz T.E.  2016.  Closing the water balance with cosmic-ray soil moisture measurements and assessing their relation to evapotranspiration in two semiarid watersheds. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences. 20:329-345.
Angerer J., Han G., Fujisaki I., Havstad K.  2008.  Climate change and ecoystems of Asia with emphasis on Inner Mongolia and Mongolia. Rangelands. 30:46-51.
Estell RE, Fredrickson E.L., Havstad K.  1996.  Chemical composition of Flourensia cernua at four growth stages. Grass and Forage Science. 51:434-441.
Anderson D.M., Winters C, Estell RE, Fredrickson E.L., Doniec M, Detweiler C., Rus D., James D.K, Nolen B..  2012.  Characterising the spatial and temporal activities of free-ranging cows from GPS data. The Rangeland Journal. 34:149-161.
Grimm N.B., Foster D., Groffman PM, Grove J.M., Hopkinson C.E., Nadelhoffer K.J., Pataki D.E., Peters DC.  2008.  The changing landscape: ecosystem responses to urbanization and pollution across climatic and societal gradients. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment. 6(5):264-272.
Delgado-Baquerizo M, Bardgett R, Vitousek PM, Maestre F., Williams MA, Eldridge D.J., Lambers H, Neuhauser S, Gallardo A, García-Velázquez L et al..  2019.  Changes in below ground biodiversity during ecosystem development. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 116:6891–6896.
Sanderson JS, Beutler C, Brown JR, Burke IC, Chapman T, Conant R., Derner J.D, Easter M, Fuhlendorf S., Grissom G et al..  2019.  Cattle, conservation, and carbon in the western Great Plains. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation. 75(1)
Svejcar T, Angell R, Bradford JA, Dugas W.A., Emmerich W, Frank AB, Gilmanov T, Haferkamp M, Johnson DA, Mayeux H et al..  2008.  Carbon fluxes on North American rangelands. Rangeland Ecology and Management. 61:465-474.
Chopping M., Rango A., Havstad K, Schiebe F.R., Ritchie J, Schmugge T.J, French A.N., McKee L.G., Davis M.R..  2003.  Canopy attributes of desert grassland and transition communities derived from multiangular airborne imagery. Remote Sensing of Environment. 85:339-354.
Williamson JC, Bestelmeyer BT, McClaran M.P., Robinett D., Briske D.D., Ben Wu X., Fernández-Giménez M.  2016.  Can ecological land classification increase the utility of vegetation monitoring data? Ecological Indicators. 69:657-666.
Marion G.M, Schlesinger W.H, Fonteyn P.J.  1985.  CALDEP: a regional model for CaCO3 (caliche) deposition in southwestern deserts. Soil Science. 139:468-481.
Fields M.J., Coffin D.P., Gosz J.R.  1999.  Burrowing activities of kangaroo rats and patterns in plant species dominance at a shortgrass steppe-desert grassland ecotone. Journal of Vegetation Science. 10:123-130.
Phinn S, Franklin J, Hope A, Stow D, Huenneke L..  1996.  Biomass distribution mapping using airborne digital video imagery and spatial statistics in a semi-arid environment. Journal of Environmental Management. 47:139-164.
Brussaard L., Behan-Pelletier V.M, Bignell D.E, Brown V.K, Didden W.AM, Folgarait P.J, Fragoso C., Freckman D.W, Gupta V.SR, Hattori T. et al..  1997.  Biodiversity and ecosystem function in soil. Ambio. 26:563-70.
Brussaard L., Behan-Pelletier V.M, Bignell D.E, Brown V.K, Didden W.AM, Folgarait P.J, Fragoso C., Freckman D.W, Gupta V.SR, Hattori T. et al..  1997.  Biodiversity and ecosystem function in soil. Ambio. 26:563-70.
Brussaard L., Behan-Pelletier V.M, Bignell D.E, Brown V.K, Didden W.AM, Folgarait P.J, Fragoso C., Freckman D.W, Gupta V.SR, Hattori T. et al..  1997.  Biodiversity and ecosystem function in soil. Ambio. 26:563-70.
Floyd KW, Gill TE.  2011.  The association of land cover with aeolian sediment production at Jornada Basin, New Mexico, USA. Aeolian Research. 3(1):55-66.
Knapp C, Fernández-Giménez M, Briske D.D., Bestelmeyer BT, Ben Wu X..  2011.  An assessment of state-and-transition models: Perceptions following two decades of development and implementation. Rangeland Ecology & Management. 64(6):598-606.
Duncan J., Stow D, Franklin J, Hope A.  1993.  Assessing the relationship between spectral vegetation indices and shrub cover in the Jornada Basin, New Mexico. International Journal of Remote Sensing. 14:3395-3416.
Franklin J, Turner DL.  1992.  The application of a geometric optical canopy reflectance model to semiarid shrub vegetation. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing. 30:293-301.
Ravi S., D'Odorico P, Breshears DD, Field J.P, Goudie A.S., Huxman T., Li J, Okin GS, Swap RJ, Thomas AD et al..  2011.  Aolian processes and the biosphere. Reviews of Geophysics. 49:RG3001.
Nash M.S, Whitford WG, Bradford D.F., Franson S.E., Neale A.C., Heggem D.T..  2001.  Ant communities and livestock grazing in the Great Basin, USA. Journal of Arid Environments. 49:695-710.
Syvertsen J.P, Cunningham GL, Feather T.V.  1975.  Anomalous diurnal patterns of stem xylem water potentials in Larrea tridentata. Ecology. 56:1423-1428.
Bestelmeyer BT, Ellison AM, Fraser WR, Gorman KB, Holbrook SJ, Laney C., Ohman MD, Peters DC, Pillsbury FC, Rassweiler A et al..  2011.  Analysis of abrupt transitions in ecological systems. Ecosphere. 2(12):1-26.
Marion G.M, Schlesinger W.H, Fonteyn P.J.  1992.  Alkalinity measurements in water extracts of calcareous soils. Soil Science Society of America Journal. 56:598-600.
Liebig M.A, Herrick JE, Archer DW, Dobrowolski J.P., Duiker S.W, Franzluebbers A.J, Hendrickson J, Mitchell R., Mohamed A., Russell J.W et al..  2017.  Aligning Land Use with Land Potential: The Role of Integrated Agriculture. AGRICULTURAL & ENVIRONMENTAL LETTERS.
Foster J., Rango A., Josberger E.G, Erbe E.R, Pooley C.D., Wergin W.P..  2004.  Advances in theory, instrumentation, semiconductor, and materials applications of scanning microscopy. Scanning. 26:68-69.
Fonteyn P.J, Schlesinger W.H, Marion G.M.  1987.  Accuracy of soil thermocouple hygrometer measurements in desert ecosystems. Ecology. 68:1121-1124.
Freckman D.W, Mankau R..  1986.  Abundance, distribution, biomass and energetics of soil nematodes in a northern Mojave Desert ecosystem. Pedobiologia. 29:129-142.
Government Report
Estell RE, Fredrickson E.L., Anderson D.M., Havstad K, Remmenga M.D..  1996.  Tarbush leaf surface terpene profile in relation to mammalian herbivory. Journal of Chemical Ecology. (338):237-241.
Fagre D.B., Charles C.W., Allen C.D., Birkeland C., Chapin, III F.S., Groffman PM, Guntenspergen G.R., Knapp A.K, McGuire A.D, Mulholland J.P. et al..  2009.  Synthesis and assessment product 4.2: Tresholds of climate change in ecosystems. US Geological Survey.
Hochstrasser T., Peters DC, Fehmi J.S..  2005.  Simulation of Vegetation Recovery from Military Disturbances on Fort Bliss. :79.
Forsling C.L..  1924.  Saving livestock from starvation on Southwestern ranges. :22.
Foster L, Humble CW.  1918.  Range Cow Maintenance on Yucca and Sotol. 114
Romme W.H., Allen C.D., Bailey J.D., Baker W.L., Bestelmeyer BT, Brown P.M., Eisenhart K.S., Floyd-Hanna L., Huffman D.W..  2008.  Historical and modern disturbances regimes, stand structures, and landscape dynamics in pinon-juniper vegetation of the western U.S.. Ecological Applications. :35p.
Hochstrasser T., Peters DC, Fehmi J.S..  2005.  Determining Research Gaps in Disturbance Data for Fort Bliss and a Conceptual Model. :32.
