Determining Research Gaps in Disturbance Data for Fort Bliss and a Conceptual Model

TitleDetermining Research Gaps in Disturbance Data for Fort Bliss and a Conceptual Model
Publication TypeGovernment Report
Year of Publication2005
AuthorsHochstrasser T., Peters DC, Fehmi J.S.
PublisherU.S. Corps of Engineers
ARIS Log Number195633
Keywordsdisturbance data, Fort Bliss, government publication

Numerous research and outside monitoring efforts have been completed for Fort Bliss, Texas. This report summarizes results from previous experiments on military disturbances at this site, and identifies research gaps in disturbance data. These studies (and others) are used to develop conceptual models of the impact of military disturbances on vegetation dynamics in arid lands.

Government Body

U.S. Corps of Engineers, Engineer Research and Development Center/Construction Engineering Research Laboratory