Sheri Spiegal
Beef supply chains of the Southwestern United States: Inputs to marketing to consumption. Society for Range Management Annual Meeting, ABQ, NM Feb 10, 2022.
2022. From desert pasture to dinner plate: Evaluating the sustainability of supply chains for beef cattle coming from ranches of the Southwest. Society for Range Management Annual Meeting, ABQ, NM Feb 10, 2022.
2022. Measuring the social and ecological performance of agricultural innovations on rangelands: Progress and plans for an indicator framework in the LTAR network. Rangelands. :1-11.
2022. Nutrient circularity for sustainability in beef supply chains: Comparing the performance of three manureshed approaches. Waste to Worth Annual Conference Proceedings 2022.
2022. Recycling nutrients in the beef supply chain through circular manuresheds: Data to assess tradeoffs. Journal of Environmental Quality.
2022. Sustainable Southwest Beef: Evaluating innovations from pasture to plate. 2022 Society for Range Management Annual Meeting.
2022. .
Land use change and collaborative manureshed management in New Mexico. Journal of Environmental Quality. :1-12.
2021. Beef Production in the southwestern United States: Strategies toward sustainability. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems. 4(114):1-8.
2020. Ecosystem service tradeoffs associated with agricultural intensification of grazinglands. Society for Range Management.
2020. .
2020. Manuresheds: Advancing nutrient recycling in US agriculture. Agricultural Systems. 182
2020. Using manureshed management to connect distant links of the beef supply chain. ASA-CSSA-SSSA Annual Meeting Abstracts.
2020. Manuresheds: Redesigning crop-livestock agriculture for sustainable intensification. 2019 Annual Meeting of the US Regional Association of the International Association for Landscape Ecology.
2019. Rangeland Livestock Production in North America. Livestock Production, Management, Strategies and Challnges.
2019. Seasonal divergence of landscape use by heritage and conventional cattle on desert rangeland. Rangeland Ecology & Management. 72(4):590-601.
2019. Sustainability is in the eye of the stakeholder and other lessons learned through boundary-spanning research on arid rangelands. Ecological Society of America (ESA).
2019. Trials and tribulations of quantifying hotspots of cattle use in large desert pastures. 72nd Society for Range Management International Meeting.
2019. Can heritage cattle protect ecosystems and economies in the changing rangelands of the western United States? Ecological Society of America.
2018. Developing regionally specific grazing practices to promote production, profitability, and environmental quality. Society for Range Management Meeting. January 28-February 2, 2018
2018. Evaluating strategies for sustainable intensification of U.S. agriculture through the Long-Term Agroecosystem Research network. Environmental Research Letters. 13(3):034031
2018. Long-Term Agroecosystem Research Advancing Sustainable Intensification in Fields, Farms, and Regions Across the United States. US-International Association for Landscape Ecology. S12
2018. Applying ecological site concepts to adaptive conservation management on an iconic Californian landscape. 2017 Society for Range Management Meeting.
2017. Comparison of diet selection by Raramuri criollo and Angus crossbreds in the Chihuahuan Desert. American Society of Animal Science.
2017. Landscape distribution of desert cattle: effects of diet and vegetation type. Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting.
2017. Sustainable intensification of U.S. agriculture: Aspirations, barriers, and the role of the LTAR network. ASA-CSSA-SSSA Annual Meeting.
2017. Applying ecological site concepts to adaptive conservation management on an iconic Californian landscape. Rangelands. 38
2016. Can foraging behavior of Criollo cattle help increase agricultural production and reduce environmental impacts in the arid Southwest? Ecological Society of America.
2016. Range Ecosystems. Ecosystems of California. :835-864.