Dean Anderson

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Anderson D.M., Weeks D.L..  1989.  Cattle liveweight sampled on a continuous vs. intermittent basis. Livestock Production Science. 23:117-135.
Anderson D.M., Havstad K, Hinds F.C..  1989.  Stress and the Free-Ranging Animal, A Western Regional Research Publication. Stress and the Free-Ranging Animal, Western Regional Coordinating Committee on Utilization of Range Forage for Rangeland and Domestic Ruminant Production, W-151. :48.
Anderson D.M., Mertz D.L., Franklin W.E., Manz P.J..  1985.  Improved esophageal fistula closure devices for cattle and sheep. Advances in Agricultural Technology Series. Agricultural Research Service, ARS-26:20.
Anderson D.M., Smith J.N, Hulet CV.  1985.  Livestock behavior--The neglected link in understanding the plant-animal interface. Proceedings of the Conference on Multispecies Grazing, Winrock Internatational Institute for Agriculture. :116-148.
Anderson D.M., Weeks D.L..  1985.  Liveweight, electronics and range cattle production. 38th Annual Meeting, Society for Range Management. :No.152.
Anderson D.M., Weeks D.L..  1984.  The dynamics of liveweight in cattle grazing southwestern United States semiarid rangeland. Proceedings of the 2nd International Rangeland Congress, Rangelands: A Resource Under Siege. :402-403.
Anderson D.M..  1981.  Application of current livestock-range knowledge and emphasis needed for the future. U.S.-Australia Joint Workshop, Session V: Forage Evaluation: Concepts and Techniques. :535-542.
Anderson D.M..  1981.  Manipulating rangeland forage quality with the grazing animal. U.S.-Australia Joint Workshop, Session V: Forage Evaluation: Concepts and Techniques. :313-328.
