Electronic weighing, identification and subdermal body temperature sensing of range livestock

TitleElectronic weighing, identification and subdermal body temperature sensing of range livestock
Publication TypeConference Proceedings
Year of Publication1980
AuthorsAnderson D.M., Landt J.A., Salazar P.H.
Conference NameU.S.-Australia Joint Workshop, Session V: Forage Evaluation: Concepts and Techniques
Date PublishedOctober 27-31, 1
Conference LocationArmidale, NSW, Australia
Keywordselectronic weighing, identification, range livestock, subdermal body temperature
AbstractIndividual animal weights can be obtained manually or automatically in a computer-compatible format with an electronic scale. If an electronic identification, subdermal body temperature sensing unit is interfaced with an electronic scale, the weight, identification and subdermal body temperature of individually identified animals can be obtained either manually or automatically, thus eliminating transcriptional and phonetic errors. Electronics can be used at remote locations despite extreme temperatures, dust and fluctuation in battery power. For research purposes, daily weight fluctuations, watering behavior and subdermal body temperature can be recorded continuously. When the system becomes commercially available, increased livestock production at a lower cost will be possible.