Rick Estell
Diet selection of raramuri criollo and angus x hereford crossbred cattle in the Chihuahuan Desert. Journal of Arid Environments. 205:104823.
2022. The genesis of the Jornada criollo cattle program. Journal of Arid Environments. 193(104563)
2021. Controlling one-seed juniper saplings with small ruminants: What we've learned. Rangelands. 40:129-135.
2018. Defoliation of Flourensia cernua (tarbush) with high-density mixed-species stocking. Journal of Arid Environments. 130:62-67.
2016. Effect of light intensity and wavelength on concentration of plant secondary metabolites in the leaves of Flourensia cernua. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology. 65:108-114.
2016. Effect of light intensity and wavelength on concentration of antiherbivory compounds in Flourensia cernua leaves. Joint Annual Meeting ADSA - ASAS.
2015. Impacts of projected mid-century temperatures on thermal regimes for select specialty and fieldcrops common to the southwestern U.S.. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting.
2015. The changing role of shrubs in rangeland-based livestock production systems: Can shrubs increase our forage supply? Rangelands. 36(2):25-31.
2014. Is differential use of Juniperus monosperma by small ruminants driven by terpenoid concentration. Journal of Chemical Ecology. 40:285-293.
2014. Relationship between one-seed juniper terpene concentration and herbivory by small ruminants. ADSA-ASAS Joint Annual Meeting. 91:553.
2013. Within-plant distribution of volatile compounds on the leaf surface of Flourensia cernua. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology. 48:144-150.
2013. Increasing shrub use by livestock in a world with less grass. Rangeland Ecology and Management. 65:553-562.
2012. Distribution of antiherbivory compounds in Flourensia cernua. American Society of Animal Science Joint Annual Meeting.
2011. Coping with shrub secondary metabolites by ruminants. Small Ruminant Research. 94:1-9.
2010. Measurement of monoterpenes and sesquiterpenes in serum, plasma, and rumen fluid from sheep. Animal Feed Science and Technology. 158:104-109.
2010. Quantifying terpenes in rumen fluid, serum, and plasma from sheep. Journal of Animal Science. 88:58.
2010. Effects of cis-beta-sabinene hydrate, and monoterpene adn sesquiterpene mixtures on alfalfa pellet intake by lambs. Journal of Animal Science. 86:1478-1484.
2008. Effects of Eugenol, Alpha-Terpineol, Terpin-4-ol, and methyl eugenol on consumption of alfalfa pellets by sheep. Small Ruminant Research. 73:272-276.
2007. Effects of individual terpenes and terpene mistures on intake of lambs. American Society of Animal Science. 85:287-288.
2007. Antiherbivory Compounds on the Leaf Surface of Intact and Resprouted Tarbush. 2006 Joint Annual Meeting, American Society of Animal Science, American Dairy Science Association. J. Animal Sci. Vol. 84, J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 89:22.
2006. Introduction to special issue - Landscape linkages and cross scale interactions in arid and semiarid ecosystems. Journal of Arid Environments. 65:193-195.
2006. Plant-Animal Interactions. Jornada Trails. 10:3.
2006. Effect of previous exposure of sheep to monoterpene odors on intake of alfalfa pellets treated with camphor or alpha-pinene. Small Ruminant Research. 58:33-38.
2005. Effects of eugenol, terpin-4-ol, alpha-terpineol, and methyl eugenol on consumption of alfalfa pellets by sheep. 2005 Annual Meeting of American Society of Animal Science. 83 (Suppl. 1):274.
2005. Effects of gamma-terpinene, terpinolene, alpha-copaene, and alpha-terpinene on consumption of alfalfa pellets by sheep. Journal of Animal Science. 83:1967-1971.
2005. Livestock Research on the Jornada Experimental Range. New Mexico Livestock Research Briefs and Cattle Growers Short Course. :100-102.
2005. Effects of ã-terpinene, terpinolene, á-copaene, and á-terpinene on consumption of alfalfa pellets by sheep. 2004 Joint Annual Meeting, American Dairy Science Association/American Society of Animal Science/Poultry Science Association. Vol. 82 (Suppl. 1):34.
2004. Effect of previous exposure of sheep to monoterpene odors on intake of alfalfa pellets treated with camphor or alpha-pinene. Joint Annual Meeting of the American Dairy Science Association, the American Society of Animal Science, and the Mexican Association of Animal Production. 81:353.
2003. Rangeland research on the Jornada Experimental Range. Livestock Research Briefs and Cattle Growers' Short Course. :87-91.
2003. Effects of camphene, myrcene, caryophyllene oxide and beta-pinene on consumption of alfalfa pellets by sheep. 2002 Joint Meeting, American Society of Animal Science/American Dairy Science Association. 80:331.
2002. Effects of four mono- and sesquiterpenes on consumption of alfalfa pellets by sheep. Journal of Animal Science. 80:3301-3306.
2002. Effects of individual terpenes on intake by lambs. Society for Range Management, New Mexico Section Winter Meeting. :5.
2002. Extracts of Flourensia cernua reduce consumption of alfalfa pellets by sheep. Journal of Chemical Ecology. 27:2275-2285.
2001. Effect of individual terpenes on consumption of alfalfa pellets by sheep. Journal of Animal Science. 78:1636-1640.
2000. Fluorensia cernua extracts decrease intake of alfalfa pellets by sheep. 2000 Joint Meeting, American Society of Animal Science/American Dairy Science Association. 78:113.
2000. Rangeland research in the Chihuahuan Desert. New Mexico Livestock Research Briefs and Cattle Growers' Short Course. :80-81.
2000. Effects of terpenes on intake of alfalfa pellets by sheep. 91st National Meeting of the American Society of Animal Science. 77(1):207.
1999. Rangeland research in the Chihuahuan Desert. New Mexico Livestock Research Briefs and Cattle Growers’ Short Course. :71-76.
1999. Effects of volatile compounds on consumption of alfalfa pellets by sheep. Journal of Animal Science. 76:228-233.
1998. Rangeland research in the Chihuahuan Desert. New Mexico Livestock Research Briefs Cattle Growers' Short Course.
1998. Relationship of tarbush leaf surface terpene profile with livestock herbivory. Journal of Chemical Ecology. 24:1-12.
1998. Tarbush leaf surface terpene profile in relation to mammalian herbivory. Journal of Chemical Ecology. 24:1-12.
1998. Effect of volatile compounds on intake of alfalfa pellets by sheep. Journal of Animal Science. 75 (Suppl 1):203.
1997. Rangeland research in the Chihuahuan Desert. New Mexico Livestock Research Briefs Cattle Growers' Short Course.
1997. Chemical composition of Flourensia cernua at four growth stages. Grass and Forage Science. 51:434-441.
1996. Nutrient content and antiquality factors in Flourensia cernua at four growth stages. Journal of Animal Science. 74 (Suppl. 1):199.
1996. Tarbush leaf surface terpene profile in relation to mammalian herbivory. Journal of Chemical Ecology. (338):237-241.
1996. Effects of organic solvents on use of tarbush by sheep. Journal of Chemical Ecology. 20:1137-1142.
1994. Relationship of tarbush leaf surface secondary chemistry to livestock herbivory. Journal of Range Management. 47:424-428.
1994. Secondary chemistry of the leaf surface of Flourensia cernua. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology. 22:73-77.