Bernice Gamboa

TypeTitleAuthorRepliesLast updated
BiblioStructure and organization of a winter community of cavity-inhabiting, web-building spiders (Pholocidae and Theridiidae) in a Chihuahuan Desert habitat Bernice Gamboa02 years 11 months ago
BiblioFire studies in Mallee (<i>Eucaluptus</i> spp.) communities of western New South Wales: Spatial and temporal fluxes in soil chemistry and soil biology following prescribed fire Bernice Gamboa02 years 12 months ago
Biblio<i>Gnathamitermes tubiformans</i> (Isoptera: Termitidae), especie clave en el Desierto Chihuahuense Bernice Gamboa03 years 12 hours ago
BiblioThe occurrence of hypogeous ascomycete in the northern Chihuahuan Desert Bernice Gamboa03 years 12 hours ago
BiblioBurrow environment of the banner-tailed kangaroo rat, <i>Dipodomys spectabilis</i>, in south-central New Mexico Bernice Gamboa03 years 17 hours ago
BiblioThe long-term effects of habitat modification on a desert rodent community Bernice Gamboa03 years 17 hours ago
BiblioPrimary production variability in desert ecosystems Bernice Gamboa03 years 20 hours ago
BiblioGraminivory by <i>Dipodomys ordii </i>and <i>Dipodomys merriami </i>on four species of perennial grasses Bernice Gamboa03 years 5 days ago
BiblioTemporal patterns of microarthropod population densities in fluff grass (<i>Erioneuron pulchellum</i>) litter: relationship to subterranean termites Bernice Gamboa03 years 2 weeks ago
BiblioDiurnal migration and responses to simulated rainfall in desert soil microarthropods and nematodes Bernice Gamboa03 years 2 weeks ago
BiblioDesert dwelling small mammals as granivores: intercontinental variations Bernice Gamboa03 years 3 weeks ago
BiblioThe importance of subterranean termites in semi-arid ecosystems in south-eastern Australia Bernice Gamboa03 years 3 weeks ago
BiblioSpatial and temporal variations in Chihuahuan desert ant faunas Bernice Gamboa03 years 3 weeks ago
BiblioMutual exclusion by dolichoderine ants on a rich food source Bernice Gamboa03 years 4 weeks ago
BiblioSeasonal and yearly fluctuations in Chihuahuan Desert lizard communities Bernice Gamboa03 years 4 weeks ago
BiblioFloral visitation by Chihuahuan Desert ants Bernice Gamboa03 years 1 month ago
BiblioThe effects of twig girdlers (Cerambycidae) and node borers (Bostrichidae) on primary production in mesquite (<i>Prosopis glandulosa</i>) Bernice Gamboa03 years 1 month ago
BiblioMesquite (<i>Prosopis glandulosa</i>) germination and survival in black-grama (<i>Bouteloua eriopoda</i>) grassland: relations between microsite and heteromyid rodent (<i>Dipodomys</i> spp.) impact Bernice Gamboa03 years 1 month ago
BiblioNutrient cycling by the subterranean termite <i>Gnathamitermes tubiformans</i> in Chihuahuan Desert ecosystem Bernice Gamboa03 years 1 month ago
BiblioGround-dwelling arthropods of the Rio Puerco Watershed, New Mexico Bernice Gamboa03 years 1 month ago
BiblioHost plant ovipositional preferences and usage by <i>Oecleus nolinus</i> (Homoptera: Cixiidae) Bernice Gamboa03 years 1 month ago
BiblioTerritorial behavior of <i>Bootettix argentatus</i> Bruner (Orthoptera: Acrididae) Bernice Gamboa03 years 1 month ago
BiblioHerbivory of clonal populations: cattle browsing affects reproduction and population structure of <i>Yucca elata</i> Bernice Gamboa03 years 1 month ago
BiblioSpatial and temporal variability of higher microarthropod taxa along a transect in a northern Chihuahuan Desert watershed Bernice Gamboa03 years 1 month ago
BiblioAnt mound influence on vegetation and soils in a semiarid mountain ecosystem Bernice Gamboa03 years 1 month ago
