Primary production variability in desert ecosystems

TitlePrimary production variability in desert ecosystems
Publication TypeBook
Year of Publication1986
AuthorsLudwig J.
Series EditorWhitford WG
Series TitlePattern and Process in Desert Ecosystems
Number of Pages5-17
PublisherUniversity of New Mexico Press
CityAlbuquerque, New Mexico
Call Number00187
Keywordsbook, books, chapter, chapters, primary production, methods, primary production, variability, report, reports

The primary objective of this paper is to report and discuss variations in AAGNPP of deserts. Specific objectives are related to a number of questions. What ecosystem types within and between deserts have the greatest variations in AAGNPP? Under what environmental conditions are highs and lows observed? Are factors other than water availability limiting ANPP in deserts? What is the probable contribution of belowground production to total annual net primary production (ANPP)? Before discussing these question, I will first attempt to precisely define what I mean by primary production. Then I will present a brief history of primary production studies in deserts, pointing out the recentness of such studies. I will also discuss the methodological difficulties in measuring ANPP in deserts, which largely explains the paucity of primary production studies in deserts.
