Bernice Gamboa

TypeTitleAuthorRepliesLast updated
BiblioFactors influencing the distributions of two species of <i>Perognathus</i> Bernice Gamboa03 years 1 month ago
BiblioThe effects of termites and straw mulch on soil nitrogen in a creosotebush (Larrea tridentata)-dominated Chihuahuan Desert ecosystem Bernice Gamboa03 years 1 month ago
BiblioThe foraging ecology of two species of Chihuahuan desert ants: <i>Formica perpilosa</i> and <i>Trachyrmyrmex smithi neomexicanus</i> (Hymenoptera Formicidae) Bernice Gamboa03 years 2 months ago
BiblioSoil water absorption capabilities in selected species of anurans Bernice Gamboa03 years 2 months ago
BiblioCoordinated prey capture by <i>Novomessor cockerelli</i> (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) Bernice Gamboa03 years 2 months ago
BiblioPhysiological responses to temperature in the patch-nosed snake, <i>Salvadora hexalepis</i> Bernice Gamboa03 years 2 months ago
BiblioEffects of nitrogen fertilization on primary production in a Chihuahuan Desert ecosystem Bernice Gamboa03 years 2 months ago
BiblioTermites, microarthropods and the decomposition of senescent and fresh creosotebush (<i>Larrea tridentata</i>) leaf litter Bernice Gamboa03 years 2 months ago
BiblioA comparison of surface and buried <i>Larrea tridentata</i> leaf litter decomposition in North American hot deserts Bernice Gamboa03 years 2 months ago
BiblioThe effects of termites and straw mulch on soil nitrogen in a creosotebush (<i>Larrea tridentata</i>) dominated Chihuahuan Desert Ecosystem Bernice Gamboa03 years 2 months ago
BiblioFactors affecting the nesting success of the large carpenter bee, <i>Xylocopa californica arizonensis</i> Bernice Gamboa03 years 2 months ago
BiblioSoil microarthropods from the Chihuahuan Desert of New Mexico Bernice Gamboa03 years 2 months ago
BiblioDecomposition and nutrient cycling in deserts Bernice Gamboa03 years 2 months ago
BiblioPhysiological responses to temperature in the horned lizards <i>Phrynosoma cornutum</i> and <i>Phrynosoma douglassi</i> Bernice Gamboa03 years 2 months ago
BiblioMating behavior of <i>Polyphylla diffracta</i> (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) Bernice Gamboa03 years 2 months ago
BiblioEffects of initial litter accumulation and climate on litter disappearance in a desert ecosystem Bernice Gamboa03 years 2 months ago
BiblioBehavior of a predator and its prey: the horned lizard (<i>Phrynosoma cornutum</i>) and harvest ants (<i>Pogonomyrmex</i> spp) Bernice Gamboa03 years 2 months ago
BiblioCalcium carbonate in termite galleries – biomineralization or upward transport? Bernice Gamboa03 years 2 months ago
BiblioLitter decomposition in the desert Bernice Gamboa03 years 2 months ago
BiblioForaging behavior of Chihuahuan Desert harvester ants Bernice Gamboa03 years 3 months ago
BiblioEffects of plant size and water relations on gas exchange and growth of the desert shrub <i>Larrea tridentata</i> Bernice Gamboa03 years 3 months ago
BiblioPopulation dynamics of a playa community in the Chihuahuan Desert Bernice Gamboa03 years 3 months ago
BiblioCritical thermal limits of desert honey ants: possible ecological implications Bernice Gamboa03 years 3 months ago
BiblioPotential environmental controls on nitrogenase activity in biological crusts of the northern Chihuahuan Desert Bernice Gamboa03 years 3 months ago
BiblioThe relationship between abiotic factors and the abundance patterns of soil microarthropods on a desert watershed Bernice Gamboa03 years 3 months ago
