Bernice Gamboa

TypeTitleAuthorRepliesLast updated
BiblioHarnessing the power of big data: infusing the scientific method with machine learning to transform ecology Bernice Gamboa04 years 6 months ago
BiblioHigh-resolution characterization of a semiarid watershed: Implications on evapotranspiration estimates Bernice Gamboa04 years 6 months ago
BiblioMechanisms of grass response in grasslands and shrublands during dry or wet periods Bernice Gamboa04 years 6 months ago
BiblioModelling emergent patterns of dynamic desert ecosystems Bernice Gamboa04 years 6 months ago
BiblioNorth American Biomes Bernice Gamboa04 years 6 months ago
BiblioRestoration practices have positive effects on breeding bird species of concern in the Chihuahuan Desert Bernice Gamboa04 years 6 months ago
BiblioSoil animal responses to moisture availability are largely scale, not ecosystem dependent: Insight from a cross-site study Bernice Gamboa04 years 6 months ago
BiblioTaking the pulse of a continent: Expanding site-based research infrastructure for regional- to continental-scale ecology Bernice Gamboa04 years 6 months ago
BiblioThe effect of roughness elements on wind erosion: The importance of surface shear stress distribution Bernice Gamboa04 years 6 months ago
BiblioThe landscape of fear: The missing link to understand top-down and bottom-up controls of prey abundance? Bernice Gamboa04 years 6 months ago
BiblioChanges in ecological stability across realistic biodiversity gradients depend on spatial scale Bernice Gamboa04 years 6 months ago
BiblioEcosystem resilience despite large-scale altered hydroclimatic conditions Bernice Gamboa04 years 6 months ago
BiblioEffect of image spatial and spectral characteristics on mapping semi-arid rangeland vegetation using multiple endmember spectral mixture analysis (MESMA) Bernice Gamboa04 years 6 months ago
BiblioLong-term trends in production, abundance, and richness of plants and animals Bernice Gamboa04 years 6 months ago
BiblioPlant responses, climate pivot points, and trade-offs in water-limited ecosystems Bernice Gamboa04 years 6 months ago
BiblioTemperature drives the continental-scale distribution of key microbes in topsoil communities Bernice Gamboa04 years 6 months ago
BiblioThe global land-potential knowledge system (LandPKS): Supporting evidence-based, site-specific land use and management through cloud computing, mobile applications, and crowdsourcing Bernice Gamboa04 years 6 months ago
BiblioThe Savory Method can not green deserts or reverse climate change Bernice Gamboa04 years 6 months ago
BiblioVegetation index differencing for broad-scale assessment of productivity under prolonged drought and sequential high rainfall conditions Bernice Gamboa04 years 6 months ago
BiblioWater controls on nitrogen transformations and stocks in an arid ecosystem Bernice Gamboa04 years 6 months ago
BiblioAeolian process effects on vegetation communities in an arid grassland ecosystem Bernice Gamboa04 years 6 months ago
BiblioAn accounting of C-based trace gas release during abiotic plant litter degradation Bernice Gamboa04 years 6 months ago
BiblioBanded vegetation-dune development during the Medieval Warm Period and 20th century, Chihuahuan Desert, New Mexico, USA Bernice Gamboa04 years 6 months ago
BiblioBottom-up regulation of desert grassland and shrubland rodent communities: implications of species-specific reproductive potentials Bernice Gamboa04 years 6 months ago
BiblioHierarchial analysis of vegetation dynamics over 71 years: soil-rainfall interactions in a Chihuahuan Desert ecosystem Bernice Gamboa04 years 6 months ago
