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Tromble J.M..  1984.  Effects of desert vegetatoin on arid soils. Proceedings of the 2nd International Rangeland Congress.
Ford P.L, Anderson C.A., Fredrickson E.L., Truett J., Roemer G..  2002.  Effects of fire and mowing on expansion of reestablished black-tailed prairie dog colonies in Chihuahuan Desert grasslands. 2002 Fire Conference. General Technical Report PSW-189:49.
Tartowski S., James D.K.  2007.  Effects of goats on Tamarix spp. and understory vegetation for riparian restoration. Society for Range Management 60th Annual Meeting and Trade Show. :PaperNo.425.
Herrick JE, Thomas R.B..  2002.  Effects of leaf age on the photosynthetic capacity of sweetgum after 5 years CO2 enrichment. 87th Annual Meeting, Ecological Society of America. :363.
Reynolds J.F, Kemp P.R, Tenhunen J.D.  2000.  Effects of long-term rainfall variability on evapotranspiration and soil water distribution in the Chihuahuan Desert: A modeling analysis. Plant Ecology. 150:145-159.
Parker L.W, Ryder-White J., Thomas S., Whitford WG.  1985.  Effects of oxamyl and chlordane on the activities of nontarget soil organisms. Biology and Fertility of Soils. 1:141-148.
de Soyza A.G., Whitford WG, Virginia R.A, Reynolds J.F.  1996.  Effects of summer drought on the water relations, physiology, and growth of large and small plants of Prosopis glandulosa and Larrea tridentata. Wildland Shrub Symposium, Proceedings: Shrubland Ecosystem Dynamics in a Changing Environment. General Technical Report INT-GTR-338:220-223.
Estell RE, Fredrickson E.L., Tellez M.R., Havstad K, Shupe, W. Larry, Anderson D.M., Remmenga M.D..  1998.  Effects of volatile compounds on consumption of alfalfa pellets by sheep. Journal of Animal Science. 76:228-233.
Browning DM, Rango A., Karl JW, Laney C., Vivoni E, Tweedie C.  2015.  Emerging technological and cultural shifts advancing drylands research and management. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment. 13(1):52-60.
Ypilantis W.G, Karl MS, Bottomley T., Biggam P., O'Green A., Talbot C, Townsend L., Bestelmeyer BT, Davis R..  2009.  Enhancing knowledge of rangeland ecological processes with benchmark ecological sites. 62nd Society for Range Management Annual Meeting. :1000-20.
Ypilantis W.G, Karl MS, Bottomley T., Biggam P., O'Green A., Talbot C, Townsend L., Bestelmeyer BT, Davis R..  2009.  Enhancing knowledge of rangeland ecological processes with benchmark ecological sites. 62nd Society for Range Management Annual Meeting. :1000-20.
Webb N, Van Zee J, Karl JW, Herrick JE, Courtright E, Billings B, Boyd R, Chappell A., Duni D, Derner J.D et al..  2017.  Enhancing wind erosion monitoring and assessment for US rangelands. Rangelands. 39:85-96.
Webb N, Van Zee J, Karl JW, Herrick JE, Courtright E, Billings B, Boyd R, Chappell A., Duni D, Derner J.D et al..  2017.  Enhancing wind erosion monitoring and assessment for US rangelands. Rangelands. 39:85-96.
Webb N, Van Zee J, Karl JW, Herrick JE, Courtright E, Billings B, Boyd R, Chappell A., Duni D, Derner J.D et al..  2017.  Enhancing wind erosion monitoring and assessment for US rangelands. Rangelands. 39:85-96.
Privette J.L., Asner G.P., Conel J., Huemmrich K.F., Olson R., Rango A., Rahman A.F., Thome K., Walter-Shea E.A..  2000.  The EOS prototype validation exercise (PROVE) at Jornada: Overview and lessons learned. Remote Sensing of Environment. 74:1-12.
Tellez M.R., Estell RE, Fredrickson E.L., Havstad K.  1998.  Essential oil of Chrysothamnus pulchellus (Gray) Greene ssp. pulchellus. Journal of Essential Oil Research. 10:201-204.
Tellez M.R., Estell RE, Fredrickson E.L., Havstad K.  1997.  Essential oil of Dyssodia acerosa DC. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 45:3276-3278.
Tellez M.R., Estell RE, Fredrickson E.L., Havstad K.  1997.  Essential oil of Flourensia cernua DC. Journal of Essential Oil Research. 9:619-624.
Nash M.S, Toorman A, Wierenga PJ, Gutjahr A, Cunningham GL.  1992.  Estimation of vegetative cover in an arid rangeland based on soil-moisture using cokriging. Soil Science. 154:25-36.
Truman D., Scott C., Tugel A.J., Ward J.P., Parslow V., Biggam P., Fitsimons B., Seybold C..  2007.  An evaluation of the dynamic soil properties pilot project in Arches National Park, Utah. 60th Annual Meeting and Trade Show, Society for Range Management. :PaperNo.442.
Truman D., Scott C., Tugel A.J., Ward J.P., Parslow V., Biggam P., Fitsimons B., Seybold C..  2007.  An evaluation of the dynamic soil properties pilot project in Arches National Park, Utah. 60th Annual Meeting and Trade Show, Society for Range Management. :PaperNo.442.
Whitford WG, Meentemeyer V., Seastedt TR, Cromack, Jr. K., Crossley, Jr. D.A, Santos PF, Todd R.L, Waide J.B.  1981.  Exceptions to the AET model: deserts and clear-cut forest. Ecology. 62:275-277.
Schwilch G., Bestelmeyer BT, Bunning S., Critchley W., Herrick JE, Kellner K., Liniger H., Nachtergaele F., Ritsema C.J, Schuster B. et al..  2011.  Experiences in monitoring and assessment of sustainable land management. Land Degradation and Development. 22(2):214-225.
Herrick JE, Belnap J, Bestelmeyer BT, Bird S.B., Brown JR, Havstad K, Tugel A.J., Van Zee J.  2004.  Experimental definition of resilience for state-and-transition models. 57th Annual Meeting, Society for Range Management. :142.
Snyder K.A, Donovan L.A., James J., Tiller R.L., Richards J.H.  2004.  Extensive summer water pulses do not necessarily lead to canopy growth of Great Basin and northern Mojave Desert shrubs. Oecologia. 141:325-334.
Estell RE, Tellez M.R., Fredrickson E.L., Anderson D.M., Havstad K, Remmenga M.D..  2001.  Extracts of Flourensia cernua reduce consumption of alfalfa pellets by sheep. Journal of Chemical Ecology. 27:2275-2285.
Tellez M.R., Estell RE, Fredrickson E.L., Powell J.E., Wedge D.E., Schrader K., Kobaisy M.M..  2001.  Extracts of Fluorensia cernua (L): volatile constituents and antifungal, antialgal, and antitermite bioactivities. Journal of Chemical Ecology. 27:2263-2273.
Bestelmeyer BT, Levi M, Macanowicz N, Throop HL, Webb N.  2022.  An extreme precipitation event, abrupt grass recovery, and soil processes in the Chihuahuan Desert. Ecological Society of America (ESA).
Rankin B.J, Torres-Hernandez C..  1978.  Factors affecting fall weights of Brangus and Hereford cows in southern New Mexico.
Kozma J, Burkett LM, Kroll A, Thornton J, Matthews N.  2017.  Factors associated with nest survival of Black-throated Sparrows, desert-breeding nest-site generalists.. Journal Of Field Ornithology. 88(3):274-287
Wilcox B.P., Wood M.K, Tromble J.M..  1988.  Factors influencing infiltrability of semiarid mountain slopes. Journal of Range Management. 41:197-206.
Rango A., Tartowski S., Laliberte AS, Wainwright J, Parsons A.J..  2004.  Factors influencing the spatial variability of runoff at differing scales in the Jornada Basin. Sixth Symposium on the Natural Resources of the Chihuahuan Desert Region. :39.
Wedin W.F., Hodgson H.J., Oldfield J.E., Frey K.J., Deyoe C.W., Emery R.S., Hahn L., Hays V.W., Herbel C.H., Hillman J. et al..  1980.  Feed production. Animal Agriculture, Research to Meet Human Needs in the 21st Century. :153-191.
Estiarte M, Vicca S, Peñuelas J, Bahn M, Beier C, Emmett BA, Fay PA, Hanson PJ., Hasibeder R, Kigel J et al..  2016.  Few multiyear precipitation–reduction experiments find a shift in the productivity–precipitation relationship. Global Change Biology. 22:2570-2581.
Estiarte M, Vicca S, Peñuelas J, Bahn M, Beier C, Emmett BA, Fay PA, Hanson PJ., Hasibeder R, Kigel J et al..  2016.  Few multiyear precipitation–reduction experiments find a shift in the productivity–precipitation relationship. Global Change Biology. 22:2570-2581.
Bestelmeyer BT, Chavez G., Brown JR, Trujillo D..  2003.  A field guide to land: User-friendly interpretations of rangeland communities. Second National Conference on Grazing Lands.
Burkett LM, Bestelmeyer BT, Tugel A.J..  2012.  A Field Guide to Pedoderm and Pattern Classes Version 2.3. :74.
Herbel C.H., Gile L.H.  1973.  Field moisture regimes and morphology of some arid-land soils in New Mexico. Soil Science Society of America, Special Publication No. 5:119-152.
Ford P.L, Fredrickson E.L., Anderson C.A., Truett J..  2002.  Fire as a management tool to facilitate expansion of reintroduced black-tailed prairie dog colonies in Chihuahuan Desert grasslands. 16th Annual Meeting, Society for Conservation Biology. :3.
Noble J., Tongway D.J., Roper M.M., Whitford WG.  1996.  Fire studies in Mallee (Eucaluptus spp.) communities of western New South Wales: Spatial and temporal fluxes in soil chemistry and soil biology following prescribed fire. Pacific Conservation Biology. 2:398-413.
Anderson D.M., Rayson G.D., Estell RE, Fredrickson E.L., Havstad K, Tisone G., Daniel D., Murray L.W.  2001.  Fluorometry as a tool for determining botanical composition. 54th Annual Meeting of Society for Range Management. :AbstractNo.10.
Thomas KGary.  1975.  Foraging and breeding behavior of the black-tailed gnatcatcher (Polioptila melanura) in southern New Mexico. :36.
Bestelmeyer BT, Ward J.P., Herrick JE, Tugel A.J..  2006.  Fragmentation Effects on Soil Aggregate Stability in a Patchy Arid Grassland. Rangeland Ecology and Management. 59:406-415.
Tugel A.J., Herrick JE.  2003.  Future directions in soil data applications: Assessment and monitoring. National Cooperative Soil Survey Conference, Committee 2 (Ecological Interpretations and Principles). :34-36.
Herrick JE, Tugel A.J..  2003.  Future directions: Using ESD's for assessment, monitoring and decision making. National Cooperative Soil Survey Conference, Committee 2 (Ecological Interpretations and Principles). :39-40.
Reynolds J.F, D. Smith MStafford, Lambin E., Turner, II B.L., Mortimore M, Batterbury SPJ, Downing TE, Dowlatabadi H, Fernández RJ, Herrick JE et al..  2007.  Global desertification: building a science for dryland development. Science. 316:847-851.
Mahowald N., Jickells T.D, Baker A.R, Artaxo P., Benitez-Nelson C.R, Bergametti G, Bond T.C, Chen Y., Cohen D.D, Herut B. et al..  2008.  The global distribution of atmospheric phosphorus deposition and anthropogenic impacts. Global Biogeochemical Cycles. 22:GB4026.
Tejada-Velez E.H, Kiesling H.E., Beck RF, Southward G.M..  1991.  Grazing behavior of Angora goats confined to a semi-desert mesquite brush dominated rangeland. Proceedings. Western Section, American Society of Animal Science. 42:177-179.
Milne E, Aynekulu E., Bationo A., Batjes NH, Boone R.D, Conant R., Davis J., Hanan N, Hoag D., Herrick JE et al..  2016.  Grazing lands in Sub-Saharan Africa and their potential role in climate change mitigation: What we do and don’t know. Environmental Development. 19:70-74.
Thomas D, Moore A., Bell L, Webb N.  2018.  Ground cover, erosion risk and production implications of targeted management practices in Australian mixed farming systems: lessons from the Grain and Graze program. Agricultural Systems. 162:123-135.
