Jornada Bibliography

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Levi M, Nauman T, Bestelmeyer BT, Brown JR, Brungard C, Libohova Z, Duni D, Johansen J..  2015.  Considerations for applying digital soil mapping to ecological sites. 2015 National Cooperative Soil Survey National Conference.
Levi M, Bestelmeyer BT, Brown JR.  2014.  Disaggregation of soil map units for improved ecological site mapping in rangelands. Agronomy Society of America, Crop Science Society of America, Soil Science Society of America Meetings 2014.
Leite P.RDeMiran.  1977.  Milk production and composition, weight changes, and calf growth rate of Brangus, Hereford, and reciprocal crossbred cows under semidesert conditions. :101.
Leimer AK, Boykin K, Anderson C.A., Steele C.  2019.  Applicability of functional groups as indicators of resilience and redundancy in the San Pedro Watershed, Arizona. AIMS Environmental Science. 6(3):127-146.
Legler, Jr. RPhar.  1970.  Habitat preference of the desert cottontail with additional notes on the black-tailed jack rabbit. :26.
Lee H, Rahn T, Throop HL.  2012.  An accounting of C-based trace gas release during abiotic plant litter degradation. Global Change Biology. 18:1185-1195.
Law LWorthen.  1968.  Ecotypic variation in seed and seedling characteristics in New Mexico galleta grass. :33.
Laurenroth W.K, Coffin D.P., Burke IC, Virginia R.A.  1997.  Interactions between demographic and ecosystem processes: A challenge for functional types. Plant Function Types. :234-254.
Laurance-Traynor A, Karl JW, Davidson Z, Davis J..  2017.  Application of the BLM's assessment, inventory, and monitoring strategy for reclamation and restoration monitoring. 70th Annaul Society for Range Management. Jan 29 - Feb 02, 2017
Laundre JW, Hernández L, Campanella A., James D.K.  2008.  Rodent density and the landscape of fear in the Chihuahuan Desert. 93rd Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting. :COS118-8.
Laundre JW, Hernández L, Medina PLopez, Campanella A., Lopez-Portilla J, Gonzales-Romero A, Grajales-Tam KM, Burke AM, Gronemeyer P, Browning DM.  2014.  The landscape of fear: The missing link to understand top-down and bottom-up controls of prey abundance? Ecology. 5(5):1141-1152.
Lassetter W.L..  1996.  Changes in soil labile-C indicated by the ratio of microbial biomass-C to total Organic-C in a semi-arid grassland undergoing desertification. :108.
Laslei RJGilstra, Ludwig J..  1985.  Fruit production by Yucca elata Engelm. (Liliaceae) in four Chihuahuan Desert habitats. The Southwestern Naturalist. 30:321-322.
Laschè SN, Schroeder RWR, McIntosh MM, Lucero JE, Spiegal S., Funk M., Beck RF, Holechek JL, Faist AM.  2022.  Long-term growing season aridity and grazing seasonality effects on perennial grass biomass in a Chihuahuan Desert rangeland. Journal of Arid Environments. 209
Laribi MMouldi.  1986.  Dietary botanical composition of goats grazing creosotebush-dominated rangeland. :69.
Lantow J.L.  1933.  The assimilations of calcium and phosphorous from different mineral compounds and their effect on range cattle.
Lantow J.L.  1930.  Supplemental feeding of range cattle.
Lantow J.L.  1929.  The poisoning of livestock by Drymaria pachyphylla.
Langley S.K, Cheshire H.M, Humes K.S.  2001.  A comparison of single date and multitemporal satellite classification in a semi-arid grassland.. Journal of Arid Environments. 49:401-411.
Laney C., Peters DC.  2009.  EcoTrends: Learning how to support synthetic research through innovative solutions. LTER All Scientists Meeting.
Laney C., Servilla M., Peters DC.  2008.  Addressing challenges in cross-site synthesis of long-term ecological data. Ecological Informatics International Conference.
Laney C., Peters DC, Baker K.S.  2013.  History and organization of the EcoTrends project. Long-Term Trends in Ecological Systems: A Basis for Understanding Responses to Global Change. :21-27.
Laney C., Baker K.S, Peters DC, Ramsey K.  2013.  Recommendations for data accessibility. :216-225.
Lane D.R, Coffin D.P., Lauenroth W.K.  1998.  Changes in grassland canopy structure across a productivity gradient. 83rd Annual Meeting, Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America. 79:186.
Lane D.R, Coffin D.P., Lauenroth W.K.  1998.  Effects of soil texture and precipitation on above-ground net primary productivity and vegetation structure across the Central Grassland region of the United States. Journal of Vegetation Science. 9:239-250.
Lane J.D.  1962.  The reproductive cycle of Dipodomys ordii and Dipodomys merriami in southern New Mexico. :28.
Lane D.R, Bestelmeyer BT, Parton B., Mitchell K.A.  2002.  Simple and weighted averaging approaches to scaling: When can spatial context be ignored? 17th Annual Symposium, US-International Association for Landscape Ecology. :82.
Lane D.R, Peters DC, Lauenroth W.K.  2000.  Changes in grassland canopy structure across a precipitation gradient. Journal of Vegetation Science. 11:359-368.
Lancaster J., Wade T., Minor T., Whitford WG, Jones B..  1996.  Condition of New Mexico rangelands derived from multi-year AVHRR imagery and associated spatial variables. Proceedings of the 11th Thematic Conference and Workshops on Applied Geologic Remote Sensing. :I-247toI-256.
Lancaster J., Mouat D.A, Kuehl R.O., Whitford WG, Rapport D.J.  1996.  Time series satellite data to identify vegetation responses to stress as an indicator of ecosystem health. Wildland Shrub Symposium, Proceedings: Shrubland Ecosystem Dynamics in a Changing Environment. General Technical Report INT-GTR-338:255-261.
Lancaster N, Helm P.  2000.  A test of a climatic index of dune mobility using measurements from the southwestern United States. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms. 25:197.
Laliberte AS, Koppa J., Fredrickson E.L., Rango A..  2006.  Comparison of nearest neighbor and rule-based decision tree classification in an object-oriented environment. International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium. CDROM
Laliberte AS, Rango A., Fredrickson E.L..  2006.  Rangeland Mapping; Ease Classification with an Object-oriented Approach and Satellite Imagery. Earth Imaging Journal. 3:30-32.
Laliberte AS, Rango A..  2011.  Multispectral remote sensing from unmanned aircraft: development of workflows and comparison with WorldView-2 data. American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. CD ROM
Laliberte AS, Rango A., Winters C, Maxwell CJ, Slaughter A.L.  2009.  Rangeland remote sensing applications with unmanned aerial systems (UAS) in the national airspace: challenges and experiences.. American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ASPRS) Annual Conference.
Laliberte AS.  2009.  Unmanned aircraft mission for rangeland remote sensing applications in the US national airspace. Unmanned Vehicle Systems (UVS) Canada Conference.
Laliberte AS, Rango A..  2009.  Texture and scale in object-based analysis of subdecimeter resolution unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) imagery. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing. 47:761-770.
Laliberte AS, Rango A., Fredrickson E.L..  2005.  Multi-scale, Objected-oriented analysis of Quickbird Imagery for Determining Percent Cover in Arid Land Vegetation. 20th Biennial Workshop on Aerial Photography, Videography, and High Resolution Digital Imageary for Rescource Assessment. :CDROM.
Laliberte AS, Rango A..  2009.  UAS-derived imagery and terrain models for rangeland mapping and monitoring. Unmanned Vehicle Systems (UVS) Canada Conference.
Laliberte AS, Rango A., Fredrickson E.L..  2005.  Classification of arid rangelands using an object-oriented and multiscale approach with QuickBird imagery. ASPRS 2005 Annual Conference.
Laliberte AS, Ripple W.J..  2004.  Human influences on range contractions of North American carnivores and ungulates. Carnivores 2004 Conference: Defenders of Wildlife. :132.
Laliberte AS, Rango A..  2008.  Correlation of object-based texture measures at mutliple scales in sub-decimeter resolution aerial photography. Proceedings. XXXVII4/C1
Laliberte AS, Rango A..  2004.  Mapping shrub encroachment from 1937-2003 in the Jornada Basin of southern New Mexico. 2004 Annual Conference, American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing: Mountains of Data - Peak Decisions. :AbstractNo.120.
Laliberte AS, Rango A..  2008.  Incorporation of texture, intensity, hue, and saturation for rangeland monitoring with unmanned aircraft imagery. GEOBIA Proceedings. XXXVII:4/C1.
Laliberte AS, Ripple W.J..  2004.  Lewis and Clark's encounters with wildlife and Native Americans: A GIS analysis. 89th Annual Meeting, Ecological Society of America. :Abstractp.286.
Laliberte AS, Winters C, Rango A..  2008.  A procedure for orthorectification of sub-decimeter resolution imagery obtained with an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV). American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing Proceedings.
Laliberte AS, Rango A., Havstad K, Paris J.F., Beck RF, McNeely R.P., Gonzalez AL.  2004.  Object-oriented image analysis for mapping shrub encroachment from 1937-2003 in southern New Mexico. Remote Sensing of Environment. 93:198-210.
Laliberte AS, Browning DM, Rango A..  2012.  A comparison of three feature selection methods for object-based classification of sub-decimeter resolution UltraCam-L imagery. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation. 15:70-78.
Laliberte AS, Ripple W.J..  2004.  Through the eyes of Lewis and Clark: wildlife abundance and distribution 200 years ago. 68th Annual Meeting of the Soil Science Society of America. :121.
Laliberte AS.  2012.  Mapping rangelands with unmanned aircraft. Professional Surveyor Magazine. (Spring 2012):40-44.
