History and organization of the EcoTrends project

TitleHistory and organization of the EcoTrends project
Publication TypeBook Chapter
Year of Publication2013
AuthorsLaney C., Peters DC, Baker K.S
Book TitleLong-Term Trends in Ecological Systems: A Basis for Understanding Responses to Global Change
PublisherNational Technical Information Services
CitySpringfield, Virginia
Accession NumberJRN52663
ARIS Log Number256276
Keywordsatmospheric chemistry, climate change, cross-site comparisons, disturbance, ecological response, ecology, ecosystem, EcoTrends, experimental forests, global change, human demography, human population growth, Long Term Ecological Research (LTER), long-term datasets, precipitation, rangeland, rangeland research stations, surface water chemistry

This chapter describes the internal organization and timeline of the EcoTrends Project, from which the data and recommendations in the subsequent chapters are generated.  The project began in 2004, and its organizational structure expanded over the next six years to include many activities and dozens of individuals from six major groups.  The six major groups are the EcoTrends Project Office, the EcoTrends Editorial Committee, the EcoTrends Technical Committee, participating site scientists, information managers, and technical staff, the Long Term Ecological Research Network Office, and the EcoTrends Socioeconomic Working Group.  The major activities occurred from 2004 to 2010, when this book is completed, are listed in the chapter.
