Brandon Bestelmeyer

Filters: Author is Brandon T Bestelmeyer
Conference Proceedings
Bestelmeyer BT, Herrick JE, Brown JR, Browning DM, Densambuu B, Elias EH, McCord S, H. Peinetti R, Spiegal S., Webb N et al..  2022.  Ecological science infrastructure for sustainability transformations in rangelands. The XXIV International Grassland Congress / XI International Rangeland Congress (Sustainable Use of Grassland and Rangeland Resources for Improved Livelihoods).
Book Chapter
Bestelmeyer BT, Fernández-Giménez M, Densambuu B, Bruegger R.  2021.  State-and-transition modelling. The Routledge Handbook of Research Methods for Social-Ecological Systems. :371-382.
Bestelmeyer BT.  2019.  Twenty-five years and a wiser science. Malpai Borderlands Group Annual Newsletter. :Page3.
Conference Paper
Bestelmeyer BT.  2016.  Is desertification a dirty word? Ecological Society of America.
Book Chapter
Bestelmeyer BT.  2012.  Is the historical range of variation relevant to rangeland management? Historical Environmental Variation in Conservation and Natural Resources Management: Past, Present, and Future. :289-296.
Book Chapter
Bestelmeyer BT, Wu X.B., Brown JR, Fuhlendorf S., Fults G..  2011.  Landscape approaches to rangeland conservation practices. Conservation Benefits of Rangeland Practices: Assessment, Recommendations, and Knowledge Gaps. :337-370.
