The regional ecology of alternative states and thresholds: Strategies for ecological site descriptions

TitleThe regional ecology of alternative states and thresholds: Strategies for ecological site descriptions
Publication TypeConference Proceedings
Year of Publication2008
AuthorsBestelmeyer BT, Tugel A.J., Peacock G., Robinett D., Briske D.D., Stringham T.K., Shaver P.L, Brown JR, Herrick JE, Sanchez H., Havstad K
Conference NameInternational Rangeland Congress
Date PublishedJune 30 -July 5,
PublisherGuangdong People's Publishing House
Conference LocationHohhot, China
ARIS Log Number229093
Keywordsecological side descritions, ESD, state-and-transition, STM
AbstractLand dynamics, ecosystem resilience, and the interaction of management decisions with them vary significantly across space. One-size-fits-all applications across distinct land types have been responsible for many failures in rangeland management. Ecological Site Descriptions (ESDs) and similar land unit classification systems specify the characteristics of different land areas associated with variation in rangeland potential, ecological dynamics, vulnerabilities, and monitoring needs. State-and-transition models (STMs) embedded within ESDs specify the plant community phases, alternative states, and characteristics of thresholds observed within particular land areas. In spite of considerable conceptual advances with regard to general STM structure and mechanisms, strategies for data-driven development of ESDs and STMs have been poorly developed.