Bernice Gamboa

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Bryson RA, Hayden B, Mitchell V, Webb, III T.  1970.  Some aspects of ecological climatology of the Jornada Experimental Range New Mexico. Simulation and Analysis of Dynamics of a Semi-Desert Grassland: An Interdisciplinary Workshop Program Toward Evaluating the Potential Ecological Impact of Weather Modification. :2-74.
Burk J.H.  1970.  Comparative production of Larrea divaricata Cav. on three geomorphic surfaces in southern New Mexico. :40.
Clymer A.B, Bledsoe L.J.  1970.  A guide to the mathematical modelling of an ecosystem. Simulation and Analysis of Dynamics of a Semi-Desert Grassland: An Interdisciplinary Workshop Program Toward Evaluating the Potential Ecological Impact of Weather Modification. :75-99.
Dix RL, Beidleman RG(eds.).  1970.  Range Science Department Science Series No. 2 Supplement. The Grassland Ecosystem: A Preliminary Synthesis, A Supplement.
Dwyer D.D., Herbel C.H., Davis C.A..  1970.  Range and forest resources of New Mexico. New Mexico State University Meeting: Environment, People, and Culture. :10-11.
Glidewell EDwain.  1970.  Suitable habitat as a factor limiting pronghorn numbers on the Jornada Experimental Range. :28.
Grant W.E.  1970.  Comparisons of small mammal biomass at eight U.S. IBP Grassland Biome Research Sites, 1970 season. US/IBP Grassland Biome.
Herbel C.H., Pieper, Rex D..  1970.  Comprehensive network site description, Jornada. US International Biological Program, Grasslands Biome Technical Report No. 43. :23.
Herbel C.H., Gould W.L.  1970.  Control of mesquite, creosotebush, and tarbush on arid rangelands of the southwestern United States. Proceedings of the XI International Grassland Congress. :38-41.
Herbel C.H., Dittberner P.L., Bickle T.S..  1970.  A quantitative ecology of the Jornada Experimental Range. Proceedings: Simulation and analysis of a semidesert grassland: An interdisciplinary workshop program toward evaluating the potential ecological impact of weather modification. Science Series No. 6:I-133--I-177.
Herbel C.H..  1970.  Seeding western rangelands. Agronomy Abstracts. :78.
Legler, Jr. RPhar.  1970.  Habitat preference of the desert cottontail with additional notes on the black-tailed jack rabbit. :26.
Nava G.  1970.  Occurrence of vegetation and emergence of species from surface soil collected on two southwestern desert range sites. :30.
Nelson A.B., Herbel C.H., Jackson H.M..  1970.  Chemical composition of forage species grazed by cattle on an arid New Mexico range. New Mexico Agricultural Experimental Station Bulletin No. 561. :33.
Pieper, Rex D., Cannaughton M., Fitzenrider R..  1970.  Preliminary report on sampling of primary producers, invertebrates, and decomposers on the Jornada site, 1970. US/IBP Grassland Biome.
L. Stoddart C.  1970.  Life history and population dynamics of the black-tailed jackrabbit (Lepus californicus) in New Mexico. Simulation and Analysis of Dynamics of a Semi-Desert Grassland. :213-217.
Valentine K.A.  1970.  Creosotebush control with phenoxy herbicides, picloram, and fuel oil in southern New Mexico.
Valentine K.A.  1970.  Influence of grazing intensity on improvement of deteriorated black grama range.
Walker RF, Whitford WG.  1970.  Soil water absorption capabilities in selected species of anurans. Herpetologica. 26:411-418.
Whitford WG, Massey M.  1970.  Responses of a population of Ambystoma tigrinum to thermal and oxygen gradients. Herpetologica. 26:372-376.
Wolfe HGay.  1970.  Environmental influences on water status in Fouquieria splendens.
Woods DEugene.  1970.  Nitrogen transformations in a desert grassland soil. :50.
Wright R.G, Van Dyne G.M..  1970.  Simulation and Analysis of Dynamics of a Semi-Desert Grassland. Simulation and Analysis of Dynamics of a Semi-Desert Grassland.
Best TRafferty.  1969.  Habitat, annual cycle and food of burrowing owls in Southcentral New Mexico. :34.
Engelking C.T..  1969.  The behavior of pronghorn-antelope in southcentral New Mexico. :67.
Gould W.L, Herbel C.H..  1969.  Chemical control of mesquite as influenced by rate of 2, 4, 5-T, carrier type, and volume and type of aircraft. Annual Meeting, Weed Science Society of America. :No.63.
Gould W.L, Herbel C.H..  1969.  Evaluation of aerial treatments for the control of creosotebush (Larrea tridentata). Research Progress Report, Western Society of Weed Science. :27-28.
Gould W.L, Herbel C.H..  1969.  Evaluation of herbicide treatments for the control of creosotebush (Larrea tridentata). Research Progress Report, Western Society of Weed Science. :26-27.
Gould W.L, Herbel C.H..  1969.  Herbicide evaluation studies for the control of tarbush (Flourensia cernua). Research Progress Report, Western Society of Weed Science. :27.
Hawley J..  1969.  Notes on the geomorphology and late cenozic geology of northwestern Chihuahua. New Mexico Geological Society Guidebook 20. 20th Field Conference:131-142.
Hawley J., Kottlowski FE.  1969.  Quaternary geology of the south-central New Mexico border region. Border Stratigraphy Symposium. Circular 104:89-115.
Hawley J., Kottlowski FE, Seager W.R, King WE, Strain WS, LeMone DV.  1969.  The Santa Fe group in the south-central New Mexico border region. Border Stratigraphy Symposium. Circular 104:52-57.
Herbel C.H., Nelson A.B..  1969.  Grazing management on semidesert ranges in southern New Mexico. :13.
Herbel C.H..  1969.  Jornada Experimental Range. Arid Zone Newsletter (Australia). :185-187.
Herbel C.H., Sosebee R.E.  1969.  Moisture and temperature effects on emergence and initial growth of two range grasses. Agronomy Journal. 61:628-631.
Hettinger LRobert.  1969.  Energy dynamics and net productivity of annual plants in southern New Mexico.
Kiesling H.E., Nelson A.B., Herbel C.H..  1969.  Chemical composition of tobosa grass collected by hand-plucking and esophageal-fistulated steers. Journal of Range Management. 22:155-159.
Kiesling H.E., Barry H.A., Nelson A.B., Herbel C.H..  1969.  Recovery of chromic oxide administered in paper to grazing steers. Journal of Animal Science. 29:361-364.
Kinzer H.G.  1969.  Aerial applications of ultra-low-volume insecticides to control the horn fly on unrestrained range cattle. Journal of Economic Entomology. 62:1515-1516.
Nelson A.B., Herbel C.H., Jackson H.M..  1969.  Chemical composition of the diet of cows grazing on arid range. Proceedings of the Western Section, American Society of Animal Science. 20:355-360.
Nelson A.B., Holland L.A., Herbel C.H..  1969.  Performance of hereford and Santa Gertrudis cattle on an arid New Mexico range. Jornada Experimental Range Report No. 2. :15.
Pease D.S, Anderson J.U.  1969.  Opal phytoliths in Bouteloua eriopoda Torr. roots and soils. Proceedings of Western Regional Technical Work Planning Conference of the Cooperative Soil Survey.. 33
Sosebee R.E, Herbel C.H..  1969.  Effects of high temperatures on emergence and initial growth of range plants. Agronomy Journal. 61:621-624.
Whitford WG, Sherman RE.  1969.  Aerial and aquatic respiration in axolotl and transformed Ambystoma tigrinum. Herpetologica. 24
Whitford WG.  1969.  Heart rate and changes in body fluids in aestivating toads from xeric habitats. Physiological Systems in Semiarid Environments. :125-133.
Wolde-Yohannis K..  1969.  Emergence from soil, germination, water use, and production of russian thistle (Salsola kali L.).
Wood J.E.  1969.  Rodent populations and their impact on desert rangelands.
