Suitable habitat as a factor limiting pronghorn numbers on the Jornada Experimental Range

TitleSuitable habitat as a factor limiting pronghorn numbers on the Jornada Experimental Range
Publication TypeThesis
Year of Publication1970
AuthorsGlidewell EDwain
Number of Pages28
Date Published1970
UniversityNew Mexico State University
CityLas Cruces, New Mexico
Thesis TypeM.S. Thesispp
Call Number00510
Keywordsdissertation, dissertations, food habits, pronghorn antelope, grassland, pronghorn antelope, mammal, pronghorn antelope, pronghorn antelope, distribution, theses, thesis
AbstractReports from historical records about the Jornada Experimental Range and the surrounding country indicate pronghorns were once abundant. Their presence number is quite low. The reason for the reduction of pronghorns can be correlated with the amount of preferred habitat present on the Jornada Plain. The present study showed pronghorns restricted their distribution to the grassland vegetational type present on the study area. The reason for the restriction was determined to be availability of food species. Literature was reviewed to determine the known plant species pronghorn utilized. A list was compiled and compared to a list of plant species that occur on the study area. Results showed that the majority of known pronghorn food species occurred in the grassland vegetational type. Feeding-time was recorded on pronghorns to determine the areas where they would spend time feeding. The results of these data showed they preferred the grassland vegetational type. Results from this study indicated that pronghorn numbers are low because of the small amount of suitable habitat present on the study area.