Occurrence of vegetation and emergence of species from surface soil collected on two southwestern desert range sites

TitleOccurrence of vegetation and emergence of species from surface soil collected on two southwestern desert range sites
Publication TypeThesis
Year of Publication1970
AuthorsNava G
Number of Pages30
Date Published1970
UniversityNew Mexico State University
CityLas Cruces, New Mexico
Thesis TypeM.S. Thesispp
Call Number00554
Keywordscreosotebush, germination, dissertation, dissertations, mesquite, germination, seedling germination, theses, thesis
AbstractThe main objective of this study was to determine the number and species of plants that emerged from the surface two centimeters of soil collected from three locations: 1) under the canopy of creosotebush plants; 2) form open areas dominated by creosotebush but outside the canopy of the plants; and, 3) from a mesquite dominated site. Also species present on the sites in the field were compared with those species emerging from collected soil in the greenhouse under different soil moisture levels.... For each of the three locations the total number of different species found on the sites was higher than the number of species emerging form the collected soil. No mesquite plants emerged in soil collected from mesquite location or either of the creosotebush locations; nor did any creosotebush plants emerge in soil collected from the mesquite site.