
TypeTitleAuthorRepliesLast updated
BiblioCalf crop increases on the Jornada Bernice Gamboa010 years 8 months ago
BiblioRange and cattle management during drought Bernice Gamboa010 years 8 months ago
BiblioGeologic structure of parts of New Mexico Bernice Gamboa010 years 8 months ago
BiblioThe utility of yucca and chamisa as range supplements Bernice Gamboa010 years 8 months ago
BiblioSaving livestock from starvation on Southwestern ranges Bernice Gamboa010 years 8 months ago
BiblioWater availability and grass root distribution in selected soils Bernice Gamboa010 years 8 months ago
BiblioThe cost of a range calf Bernice Gamboa010 years 8 months ago
Biblio"Red Beds" and associated formations in New Mexico Bernice Gamboa010 years 8 months ago
BiblioAtmospheric electricity during sand storms Bernice Gamboa010 years 8 months ago
BiblioAn improved pair of shears for clipping studies on quadrats Bernice Gamboa010 years 8 months ago
BiblioThe poisoning of livestock by <i>Drymaria pachyphylla</i> Bernice Gamboa010 years 8 months ago
BiblioA case of phyllody in <i>Yucca elata</i> Bernice Gamboa010 years 8 months ago
BiblioSupplemental feeding of range cattle Bernice Gamboa010 years 8 months ago
BiblioThe assimilations of calcium and phosphorous from different mineral compounds and their effect on range cattle Bernice Gamboa010 years 8 months ago
BiblioValues and limitations of clipped quadrats Bernice Gamboa010 years 8 months ago
BiblioThe influence of precipitation and grazing upon black grama grass range Bernice Gamboa010 years 8 months ago
BiblioAmerican egrets at the Jornada Experimental Range, New Mexico Bernice Gamboa010 years 8 months ago
BiblioThe occurrence of <i>Gutierrezia sarothrae</i> on <i>Bouteloua eriopoda</i> ranges in southern New Mexico Bernice Gamboa010 years 8 months ago
BiblioAfter the drought Bernice Gamboa010 years 8 months ago
BiblioManagement of black grama ranges Bernice Gamboa010 years 8 months ago
BiblioPoisonous drymaria on ranges of southern New Mexico Bernice Gamboa010 years 8 months ago
BiblioHow closely may black grama and tobosa grass be grazed year after year Bernice Gamboa010 years 8 months ago
BiblioHow better utilization of range was obtained through the use of inexpensive water holes Bernice Gamboa010 years 8 months ago
BiblioHow the use of salt obtains better forage utilization on a cattle range Bernice Gamboa010 years 8 months ago
BiblioUsing salt to regulate grazing Bernice Gamboa010 years 8 months ago
