How closely may black grama and tobosa grass be grazed year after year

TitleHow closely may black grama and tobosa grass be grazed year after year
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication1936
AuthorsCanfield R.H.
JournalThe Cattleman
Date Published1936
Keywordsblack grama grass, intensity of grazing, preservation, proper management, tobosa grass
AbstractLivestock production in the semi-desert grasslands of western Texas, southern New Mexico, and southeastern Arizona was introduced by the early Spanish settlers. These pioneer people were quick to realize the adaptability of the country to grazing cattle and, thus, laid the cornerstone of one of the most colorful and successful enterprises on the Southwest, one which has survived to this day as a major industry. However, if the stockmen are to enjoy the benefits of these ranges in perpetuity, the intensity of grazing use applied on them must be one which will allow the principal forage plants to maintain themselves naturally upon the land. Not only must the good forage plants be preserved, but the yield of forage therefrom must be sustained. These conditions can only take place on properly stocked and otherwise properly managed ranges. The chief hazards of the cattle industy, namely, heavy death loss in time of drought and low percentage in calf crops, are obviously intensified by overstocking. Therefore, the solutions to the fundamental problems in range management of the semi-desert grasslands begin with the proper care of the range itself and the maintenance of a plentiful supply of forage at all times.