
TypeTitleAuthorRepliesLast updated
Data sourcedata_Jornada_262004_ecotone_npp_by_form admin06 years 4 months ago
Data sourcedata_Jornada_122001_crust_evolution_scrape_site_abrasion admin06 years 4 months ago
BiblioLong-term influences of shrub removal and lagomorph exclusion on Chihuahuan Desert vegetation dynamics Bernice Gamboa06 years 5 months ago
BiblioGrazing behavior responses of free-ranging beef cows to fluctuating thermal environments Bernice Gamboa06 years 5 months ago
BiblioEffects of shrubs and disturbances on pattern and process in Chihuahuan Desert grasslands Bernice Gamboa06 years 5 months ago
BiblioThe Sevilleta long-term ecological research program Bernice Gamboa06 years 5 months ago
BiblioInterpreting Indicators of Rangeland Health, Version 3 Bernice Gamboa06 years 5 months ago
BiblioA tour of East German agriculture Bernice Gamboa06 years 5 months ago
BiblioImproved Range Plants Bernice Gamboa06 years 5 months ago
BiblioHerbicide evaluation studies for the control of tarbush (<i>Flourensia cernua</i>) Bernice Gamboa06 years 5 months ago
BiblioRange cattle management on the Jornada Range Bernice Gamboa06 years 5 months ago
PersonMarsha Conley admin06 years 5 months ago
Basic PageData Policies - LTER admin06 years 5 months ago
BiblioMaintaining the balance between summer and winter forage on black grama ranges under yearlong grazing use Bernice Gamboa06 years 5 months ago
BiblioVegetational density and composition of black grama type ranges as influenced by semideferred grazing Bernice Gamboa06 years 5 months ago
BiblioGrowth and reproduction of <i>Yucca elata</i> Bernice Gamboa06 years 5 months ago
BiblioVegetation and climate characteristics of arid and semi-arid grasslands in North America and their biome transition zone Bernice Gamboa06 years 5 months ago
BiblioWater ponding for increasing soil water on arid rangelands Bernice Gamboa06 years 5 months ago
BiblioWind erosion curtailed by controlling mesquite Bernice Gamboa06 years 5 months ago
BiblioInfiltration rates on rootplowed rangeland Bernice Gamboa06 years 5 months ago
BiblioSeasonal suitability grazing in the western United States Bernice Gamboa06 years 5 months ago
BiblioRange research in the Soviet Union Bernice Gamboa06 years 5 months ago
BiblioThe binary search for accuracy in plant symbols Bernice Gamboa06 years 5 months ago
BiblioShort-term storage of cotton pollen Bernice Gamboa06 years 5 months ago
BiblioPersistence of municipal biosolids in a Chihuahuan Desert rangeland 18 years after application Bernice Gamboa06 years 5 months ago
